In A.D. 1643, Italian scientist Torricelli experimented with atmospheric pressure and invented the mercury barometer.
In A.D. 1646, Pascal, a French scientist, verified the existence of atmospheric pressure.
In AD 1654, German scientist Gerry invented an open air pump to obtain vacuum.
In 1662, British scientist Boyle discovered Boyle's law through experiments. 14 years later, French scientist marriott discovered this law independently.
In A.D. 1663, Gerry conducted experiments in the hemisphere of Fort Madre.
In A.D. 1666, British scientist Newton used a prism to do dispersion experiments.
In A.D. 1669, Basselinas discovered that light has birefringence after passing through calcite.
In A.D. 1675, Newton experimented with Newton's rings. Newton's rings were a phenomenon of light interference, but Newton still explained them with the theory of light particles.
In A.D. 1752, American scientist Franklin made a kite experiment to lead lightning to the ground.
In A.D. 1767, Priest Le, an American scientist, deduced the inverse square law of electrostatic force based on the experiment that there was no electrostatic charge in Franklin conductor.
In A.D. 1780, Italian scientist Gavagni discovered the contraction of frog leg muscles, which was thought to be caused by animal electricity. However, it was not until 179 1 that he published a paper in this field.
In A.D. 1785, French scientist Coulomb used his own torsion balance to get the inverse square law of electrostatic force from the experiment. Prior to this, the British scientist Mitchell had a similar design, and put forward the magnetic inverse square law in 1750.
In A.D. 1787, French scientist Charles discovered Charles-Gay-Lussac's law of gas expansion. Gay-Lussac's research was published in 1802.
19 14 years, the British scientist Moselle discovered the relationship between the atomic number of elements and the radiation characteristic line, which laid the foundation for X-ray spectroscopy.
In AD 19 14, German scientists Frank and Hertz measured the excitation potential of mercury.
In 19 15, Danish scientist Bohr decided that the result they measured was actually the first excitation potential, which is the excellent evidence of Bohr's theory of steady-state transition atom model in 19 13.
In A.D. 19 14, the British scientist chadwick discovered the beta energy spectrum.
19 15 years, at the initiative of Einstein, Dutch scientist de Haas first measured the gyromagnetic effect.
19 16, the Dutch scientist Debye proposed the X-ray powder diffraction method.
19 19, British scientist Aston invented the mass spectrometer, which provided an important means for isotope research.
19 19, Rutherford realized the artificial nuclear reaction for the first time.
19 19 years, German scientist Backhausen discovered the magnetic domain.
In A.D. 1922, German scientists Stern and Guelleh made a silver atomic beam pass through an uneven magnetic field and observed discrete magnetic moments, thus confirming the theory of spatial quantization.
In A.D. 1923, American scientist Compton explained the experimental results of wavelength lengthening in X-ray scattering through the collision of photons and electrons, which is called Compton effect.
In AD 1927, American scientists Davidson and Gemma conducted electron scattering experiments with low-speed electrons, which confirmed electron diffraction. In the same year, British scientist G.P. Thomson obtained electron diffraction patterns by using high-speed electrons, and their work provided experimental evidence for French scientist De Broglie's theory of matter waves.
In AD 1928, Indian scientist Raman and others discovered the frequency change of scattered light in Cavendish laboratory, that is, Raman effect.
193 1 year, American scientist Lawrence and others built the first cyclotron.
In A.D. 1932, British scientist cockcroft and Irish scientist Wharton invented the high-voltage multiplier to accelerate protons and realize artificial nuclear disintegration.
In A.D. 1932, American scientist Yuri evaporated and concentrated natural liquid hydrogen, and discovered the existence of hydrogen isotope deuterium.
1932, chadwick discovered neutrons. Before that, Rutherford of 1920 had imagined that there was a neutral particle in the nucleus, and its mass was roughly equal to that of protons. According to this, the experiment was arranged, but no result was obtained. 1930, German scientist Bert and others discovered a kind of ray with strong penetrating power in the experiment of α -ray bombardment of beryllium, and mistook it for γ-ray. 193 1 year, French scientists Iorio and Elon Curie make this penetrating ray pass through paraffin to generate high-speed protons. Chadwick then did a lot of experiments and took photos with Wilson Cloud Room, which proved with irrefutable facts that this ray was the neutron predicted by Rutherford.
In A.D. 1932, American scientist Anderson discovered positrons from cosmic rays, which confirmed Dirac's prediction.
1933, American scientist Taft established the first electrostatic accelerator.
In A.D. 1933, British scientist Brackett and others discovered the pair of positive and negative electrons from the photos of the cloud room.
In A.D. 1934, Cherenkov, a scientist from the former Soviet Union, discovered the phenomenon that liquid will emit light under the irradiation of β-rays, which is called Cherenkov radiation.
1934, French scientists Aurio and Curie discovered artificial radioactivity.
In 1936, Anderson and others discovered muons.
In A.D. 1938, German scientists Hahn and Stuart Lasman discovered uranium fission.
In AD 1938, the former Soviet scientist Kapicha proved the superfluidity of liquid helium through experiments.
In A.D. 1939, the Austrian-American scientist Rabi and others measured the nuclear magnetic moment by molecular beam magnetic vibration method.
In A.D. 1940, American scientist Kierst and others built the first electron induction accelerator with molecules.
In A.D. 1946, purcell, an American scientist, measured the nuclear magnetic moment by * * vibration absorption method, and Blah measured the nuclear magnetic moment by nuclear induction method. They experienced the vibration of nuclear magnetic resonance from different angles. This method can greatly improve the measurement accuracy of nuclear magnetic moment and magnetic field.
In A.D. 1947, German-American scientist Kush accurately measured the electron magnetic moment, and found that the experimental results were slightly different from the theoretical predictions.
In A.D. 1947, American scientists Lamb and Rutherford accurately measured the difference of hydrogen atomic energy levels by microwave method, and found that the quantum theory of British scientist Dirac still did not accord with reality. This experiment provides an experimental basis for the development of quantum electrodynamics.
In 1948, American scientists shockley, Badin and bratton invented the transistor.
In A.D. 1952, American scientist Grasett invented the bubble chamber, which is more sensitive than the Wilson Cloud Room.
In A.D. 1954, American scientist Downs and others made a microwave amplifier of stimulated radiation-Mansi.
In A.D. 1955, American scientists Chamberlain and Sigri discovered antiprotons. 1957, Higley and others discovered the antineutron.
In 1956, Chinese-American scientist Wu Jianxiong and others experimentally verified the theory of parity non-conservation under weak interaction proposed by Chinese-American scientists Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning (1956). The experimental method is that cobalt -60 is placed in an extremely low temperature (0.0 1K) environment to measure the β transformation.
In A.D. 1958, the German scientist Mossbauer realized the recoil-free vibration absorption of gamma rays (Mossbauer effect).
In A.D. 1960, American scientist Mayman made a ruby laser, which fulfilled the predictions of Sholo and Downes 1958.
In A.D. 1962, the British scientist Josephson discovered the Josephson effect.
enclose herewith
1900 - 1909
1900, Rayleigh published a blackbody radiation formula suitable for long wave range.
1900, Planck (M. Plank, 1858— 1947) put forward the blackbody radiation formula with the same full wavelength range.
This formula is theoretically derived by using the hypothesis of energy quantization.
1900, p Willard (1860- 1934) discovered gamma rays.
190 1 year, Kaufman (W. Kaufmann,1871-1947) measured the deflection of radium radiation in electric and magnetic fields.
It is found that the electron mass varies with the speed.
190 1 year, Richardson (O.W.Richardson,1879-1959) discovered the law of electron emission on hot metal surfaces.
After years of experiments and theoretical research, this law has been further revised.
1902, Learnard got the basic law of photoelectric effect from the experiment of photoelectric effect: the maximum speed of electrons has nothing to do with light intensity,
It provides an experimental basis for Einstein's light quantum hypothesis.
1902, Gibbs published the Basic Principles of Statistical Mechanics and founded the statistical ensemble theory.
1903, Rutherford and Soddy (F. Soddy, 1877- 1956) published the transmutation theory of elements.
1905, Einstein (A. Einstein,1879-1955) published a paper on Brownian motion and published optical quantum.
Hypothesis, explain the phenomenon such as photoelectric effect.
1905, P. Langevin (1872— 1946) published the classical theory of paramagnetism.
1905, Einstein published electrodynamics of moving media, and put forward the basic principles of special relativity for the first time.
Richard discovered the equivalence between mass and energy.
1906, Einstein published a quantum theory about the heat capacity of solids.
1907, Weiss (P.E.Weiss, 1865— 1940) published the ferromagnetic molecular field theory and put forward the magnetic domain hypothesis.
1908, H. kammerlingh-ones (1853-1926) liquefied the last "permanent gas" helium.
In 1908, Perrin (J. B.Perrin,1870-1942) proved Brownian motion equation and got Avoga.
Dro constant
In 1908- 19 10, Boucher (A.H.Bucherer, 1863- 1927) and others measured the electron mass accurately.
With the change of speed, Lorenz-Einstein formula of mass change has been confirmed.
1908, H. Geiger (1882-1945) invented the counter tube. Rutherford et al. measured the electron charge e of particles.
1906- 19 17 years, the charge value of a single electron was measured by Millikan (R.A., 1868- 1953), and it went through1before and after.
In, the experimental method was reformed three times and thousands of data were obtained.
1909, under the guidance of Rutherford, Geiger and E. marsden discovered the collision between particles and metal foil from experiments.
Large angle scattering leads to Rutherford 19 1 1 year's nuclear atom model theory. This theory was mentioned in 19 13.
Piller and marsden's experiment confirmed.
19 10 - 19 19
19 1 1 year, Anna discovered mercury and lead. Superconductivity of metals such as tin at low temperature.
19 1 1 year, Wilson (C.T.R.Wilson, i869— 1959) invented the Wilson cloud chamber, which provided a basis for the study of nuclear physics.
The important experimental methods are introduced.
19 1 1 year, Hess (V.F.Hess, 1883- 1964) discovered cosmic rays.
19 12, Laue (M.V.Laue, 1879- 1960) proposed this scheme, while Friedrich (W. Friedrich, Ni Ping).
(P. Knipning, 1883— 1935), X-ray diffraction experiment was carried out, which confirmed the fluctuation of X-ray.
19 12 years, Nernst (W. Nernst, 1864- 194 1) put forward the law that absolute zero cannot be reached (that is, the third definition of thermodynamics).
19 13 years, J. Stark (1874- 1957) discovered the split image of atomic spectrum under the action of electric field (Stark effect).
19 13 years, Bohr (N. Bohr,1885-1962) published the theory of hydrogen atom structure and explained the spectrum of hydrogen atom.
19 13 years, Prague and his son (w.h. Prague,1862-l942; W.l. Prague, 1890— 197 1) studied x-rays.
X-ray diffraction: X-ray diffraction angle is measured by X-ray crystal spectrometer, and the crystal is calculated according to Bragg formula: Zdsin6=.
Lattice constant d
19 14 years, Moselle (H.G.J.Moseley, 1887- 19 15) discovered the relationship between atomic number and element radiation characteristic line.
Relationship between x-ray spectroscopy and x-ray spectroscopy.
19 14, measured by Frank (J. Franck, 1882- 1964) and Hertz (Hertz, 1887- 1975).
Excitation potential of mercury.
19 14 years, chadwick (J. Chadwick,1891-1974) discovered the energy spectrum.
19 14 years, K.M.G. Siegbahn (1886-1978) began to study X-ray spectroscopy.
19 15 years, at the initiative of Einstein, W.J. de Haas (1878-1960) measured the rotating magnetic effect for the first time.
19 15, Einstein established the general theory of relativity.
19 16 years, Millikan verified Einstein's photoelectric equation with experiments.
19 16 years, Einstein deduced Planck radiation formula according to the concept of quantum transition and put forward stimulated radiation theory.
Developed into the theoretical basis of laser technology.
In 19 16, Debye (P.J.W Debye,1884-1966) proposed the X-ray powder diffraction method.
19 19 years, A.S. Eddington (1882- 1944) and others confirmed Einstein's observation of solar eclipse.
The prediction that gravity will bend light.
19 19 years, Aston (F.W., 1877- 1945) invented the mass spectrometer, which provided an important means for isotope research.
19 19, Rutherford realized the artificial nuclear reaction for the first time.
In 19 19, Backhausen discovered the magnetic domain.
1920 - 1929
192 1 year, Valasek discovered ferroelectricity.
In 1922, Stern (O. Stern, 1888- 1969) and Guelleh (W. Gerlach, 1889- 1979).
The discrete magnetic moment is observed by passing the silver atom beam through the inhomogeneous magnetic field, thus confirming the theory of spatial quantization.
1923, Compton (A.H.Compton, 1892— 1962) explained the X-ray scattering through the collision of photons and electrons.
The experimental result of wavelength lengthening is called Compton effect.
1924, l de Broglie (1892-1987) put forward the hypothesis that microscopic particles have wave-particle duality.
1924, Bose (S. Bose,1894-1974) published the statistical law of photon obedience, and Einstein later supplemented it and established the bose-einstein statistics.
1925, Pauli (1900-1958) published the principle of incompatibility.
1925, Heisenberg (W.K.Heisenberg,1901-1976) founded matrix mechanics.
1925, Uhlenbeck (1900-) and Gosmitt (1902- 1979) put forward the electron spin hypothesis.
1926, Xue dingshu (E. Schrodinger, 1887— 196 1) published wave mechanics, which proved matrix mechanics and wave mechanics.
Equivalence of learning.
In 1926, Fermi (E.Fermi, 190 1- 1954) and Dirac (P.A.M Dirac,1902-/kloc-0).
Put forward Fermi-Dirac statistics.
1926, m born (1882—1970) published the statistical explanation of wave function.
1927, Heisenberg published the uncertainty principle.
1927, Bohr proposed the complementary principle of quantum mechanics.
In 1927, Davidson (C.J.Davisson,1881-1958) and Ge Mo (L.H.Germer,1896-
The electron scattering experiment of 197 1) low-speed electrons confirmed the electron diffraction. In the same year, Thomson Company
(G.P.Thomson,1892 ——1975) Using high-speed electrons to obtain electron diffraction patterns.
1928, C.V. Raman (1888- 1970) and others discovered the frequency change of scattered light, that is, Raman effect.
1928, Dirac published the wave equation of relativistic electrons, which linked the relativistic motion of electrons with spin and magnetic moment.
Let's go
1928- 1930, f. bioc( 1905- 1983) and others laid the foundation of solid energy band theory.
1930 - 1939
1930- 193 1 year, dirac put forward positron hole theory and magnetic monopole theory.
193 1 year, A.H. Wilson put forward the energy band model of the difference between metal and insulator, and predicted its introduction.
There is a semiconductor between them, which provides a theoretical basis for the development of semiconductors.
193 1 year, e.o. Lawrence (1901-1958) and others built the first cyclotron.
1932, J.D. Cockcroft (1897-1967) and E.T.Walton invented Gao.
The voltage doubler is used to accelerate protons and realize artificial nuclear disintegration.
1932, Yuri (H.C.Urey, 1893— 198 1) evaporated and concentrated natural liquid hydrogen, and discovered hydrogen isotopes.
The existence of deuterium.
1932, chadwick discovered neutrons. Before that, Rutherford had imagined that there was a neutral particle in the nucleus of 1920.
Son, quality is roughly equivalent to quality. The experiment was arranged accordingly, but there was no result.
193O, Porter (W. B Dacheng, a 7 of 18 staring at 1) et al. In the experiment of ray bombardment of quilt, a kind of wear was found.
A penetrating thunder, a mistake, Ray, Aurio (F. Joliot, 193 1) and Yi.
Lun Curie (1. Curie, 1897— 1956) let this penetrating ray pass through paraffin and hit at high speed.
Protons. Chadwick then did a lot of experiments and took photos with Wilson Cloud Room, which illustrated this point with irrefutable facts.
Ray is the neutron predicted by Rutherford.
1932, C.D. Anderson (1905 I) discovered positrons from cosmic rays, which confirmed Dirac's prediction.
1932, M. Knoll and E. ruska invented the transmission electron microscope. 1932, Heisenberg and Ivanenko (ддиваненко) independently published that the nucleus consists of protons and neutrons.
Assumption of composition
1933, Pauli was less than the hypothesis in the detailed demonstration at Solvey conference, and put forward β decay.
1933, W.F. giauque completed the adiabatic demagnetization cooling experiment of paramagnetic body, and obtained several thousandths.
Low temperature.
1933, meissner (W. Meissner, 1882- 1974) and R. Ochsenfeld discovered the super.
This conductor is completely diamagnetic.
1933, Fermi published the neutrino theory of P decay.
1933, M.A.Tuve built the first electrostatic accelerator.
1933, P.M.S. Blackett (1897-1974) and others discovered the electron-positron pair from the cloud room photos.
In 1934, Cherenkov (π. A.черенков) discovered the phenomenon that liquid will emit light under the irradiation of β rays.
It's called Cherenkov radiation.
1934, Mr. and Mrs. Joliot-Curie discovered artificial radioactivity.
1935, Yukawa Hidemura published the theory of nuclear intermediate field, which predicted the existence of mesons.
1935, F. London and H. London published the macroscopic electrodynamics theory of superconductivity.
1935, n bohr put forward the liquid nuclear model of nuclear reaction.
1938, O. Hahn (1879-1968) and F. Strassman discovered uranium fission.
In 1938, Kapicha (плкапича, 1894-) proved the superfluidity of helium.
1998, F. London put forward a statistical theory to explain superfluidity.
In 1939, Maitenaz (L. Maitenaz,1878-1968) and O. Frish pointed out that according to the nuclear drop model,
Hahn-Strassman's experiment results in nuclear fission.
1939, J.R. Oppenheimer (1904-1967) predicted the existence of black holes according to the general theory of relativity.
1939, rabbi (I.I.Rabi, 1898— 1987) and others measured the nuclear magnetic moment by the molecular beam magnetic * * vibration method.
1940 - 1949
1940, D.W.Kerst built the first electron induction accelerator.
1940- 194 1 year, Landau (лиландау,1908-/kloc-
194 1 year, bridgman (P.W.Bridgeman, 1882- 196 1) invented a device that can generate 65438+ million bar high voltage.
1942, the United States built the world's first fission reactor under the auspices of Fermi.
1944- 1945, wexler (ввеклер) and E.M. McMillan (E.
1907-) independently put forward the principle of automatic phase stabilization, which opened the way for the development of high-energy accelerators.
1946, l.w. Alvarez (1911-) made the first proton linear accelerator.
In 1946, E.M.Purcell measured the nuclear magnetic moment by * * vibration absorption method, while Bloch (F. Bloch, 1905- 1983) measured the nuclear magnetic moment by nuclear induction method. They realized the * * vibration of nuclear magnetic resonance from different angles. This method can greatly improve the measurement accuracy of nuclear magnetic moment and magnetic field.
1947, P. Kusch accurately measured the electron magnetic moment, and found that the experimental results were slightly different from the theoretical prediction.
1947, Lamb (W.E.Lamb, Jr.) and Retherford (R.C.Retherford) used the microwave method to accurately measure the difference of hydrogen atomic energy levels, and found that Dirac's quantum theory was still inconsistent with reality. This experiment is for quantum electrodynamics.
This development provides experimental basis.
1947, C. F. Powell (1903-1969) and others discovered π mesons in cosmic rays by nuclear emulsion method.
1947, rochester and c butler (1922-) found strange particles in cosmic rays.
1947, H.P. Kalman and J.W. Coleman invented the scintillation counter.
1947, I prigogine (1917-) put forward the principle of minimum entropy generation.
1948, L.E.F.Neel (1904-) established and developed the molecular field theory of ferromagnetism.
1948, Zhang Wenyu discovered the weakly interacting particles of the μ subsystem, and discovered the μ atom.
1948, shockley (W. shockley), Badin (J. Badin) and bratton (W. H. bratton).
Invent the transistor.
1948, Dennis D. gabor (1900-1979) put forward the principle of wavefront reconstruction as a pioneer of modern holography.
1948, Ichiro, Chao Yongzhen, Schwinge (1. Schwinge) Feynman (R.P. Feynman, 19 18-
1988) respectively published the renormalization theory of relativistic covariation, and gradually formed the weight to eliminate divergence difficulties.
Normalization method.
1949, M.G.Mayer and J.H.D.Jensen put forward the core-shell model theory respectively.
1950- 1959
1960- Now
1960, T.H.Maiman made a ruby laser, and realized A.L.Schawlow and.
Thomas's prophecy 1958.
1962, B.D. Josephson discovered the Josephson effect.
1964, M. Gell-Mann proposed the quark model of hadron structure.
In 1964, J.W.Cronin and other experiments confirmed that CP joint transformation was observed in weak interaction.
Constant destruction.
In1967-1968, S. Weinberg and A. Salam respectively put forward a unified theoretical standard model of electrical weakness.
1969, Prigozin explicitly put forward the theory of dissipative structure for the first time.
1973, F.J. Hasselt and others discovered weak neutral flow, which supported the unified theory of weak current.
1974, Ding Zhaozhong (1936-) and richter (B. Richter, 193 1-) discovered the J/ψ particle respectively.
1980, v.klising (1943-) discovered the quantum hall effect.
1983, Lu Biya (C. Rubbia, 1934-) and Vandermeyer (S.V.d.Meer, 1925-) and others discovered W and Z0 particles at the European Institute of Particle Physics.
In A.D. 1792, Volta studied the Gavagni phenomenon, which was believed to be caused by the contact of two metals.
In A.D. 1798, the British scientist Cavendish measured the gravitational constant G with a torsion balance experiment.
In A.D. 1798, American scientist Lunford published his friction heat-generating experiment, and these experimental facts are an important basis for opposing the heat card theory.
In A.D. 1799, British scientist David made a friction experiment in vacuum, which proved that heat was caused by the vibration of particles.
In A.D. 1800, the British scientist Herschel discovered infrared rays from the radiant heat effect of the solar spectrum.
In A.D. 180 1 year, German scientist Walter Schell discovered ultraviolet rays from the chemical action of the solar spectrum.
In 65438 AD, British scientist Thomas Young measured the wavelength of light by interferometry.
In A.D. 1802, British scientist wollaston discovered the dark lines in the solar spectrum.
In 1808, French scientist Marius discovered the polarization of light.
In 18 1 1 year, British scientist Brewster discovered Brewster's law of polarized light.
18 15 years, German scientist Flawn Hof began to study the dark lines in sunlight with a spectroscope.
18 19, French scientists Dulong and Petit discovered that the specific heat of gram atom solid is a constant, about 6 calories per gram atom, which is the so-called Dulong Petit's law.
In A.D. 1820, Danish scientist Oster discovered that conducting wires produced magnetic effects.
In AD 1820, French scientists Biot and Savart obtained the magnetic field law of current elements through experiments.
In A.D. 1820, French scientist Ampere discovered the interaction between currents through experiments. 1822, he further studied the interaction between currents and put forward Ampere's law.
182 1 year, the thermoelectric effect (seebeck effect) was discovered by Estonian scientist Seebeck.
In A.D. 1827, British scientist Brown discovered that fine particles suspended in liquid kept moving in disorder, which was a strong evidence of molecular motion theory.
In 1830, Nobili invented the thermopile.
In A.D. 183 1 year, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.
In A.D. 1834, the French scientist Peltier discovered that electric current can cool the Peltier effect.