Senior one economic examination paper
There is a saying that can summarize the relationship between mathematics and economic life-mathematics does not belong to economic life in essence, but it can be used in economic life in essence. Mathematics is a tool, but it is also a kind of thinking. Mankind uses mathematics as a tool all the time and feels the powerful power of this kind of thinking, thus creating the present economic life. From the early days, people began to have surplus "value", and people wanted to turn these things into goods that made them more satisfied, so human beings began the primitive exchange. Since then, human beings have gradually developed into the present economic life. Well, since exchange is the starting point of economy, then-in layman's terms-everyone wants to be satisfied in exchange, so people begin to calculate and calculate the value of doing it, and mathematics begins to develop. With the development of economic life, mathematics has also been greatly developed. For example, during the British Industrial Revolution, the calculation of curved surface was not very clear, but the demand for it in economic life was increasing, and people had to find ways to solve some such problems. Newton and others began to discover the most perfect theory in the world-the principle of calculus, and mathematics advanced by leaps and bounds, greatly improving economic life. So to sum up, economic life and mathematics are complementary, and the development of any one will drive the development of the other!