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Circuit design of multifunctional digital clock
VHDL Design of Digital Clock

1, design tasks and requirements:

Design task: design a digital clock that can display hours, minutes and seconds. The specific requirements are as follows:

The second pulse is generated by frequency division of the clock signal on the experimental box;

24-ary timing circuit of timing counter;

Time can be corrected manually, and time and minutes can be corrected separately;

Tell the time;

2 program code and corresponding waveform

Seconds 1 (seconds in hexadecimal and 10)

Library ieee

Use IEEE.std _ logic _1164.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ unsigned.all;

Entity seconds 1 Yes

Port( clks,clr:in STD _ logic;

Secs,Secg:out STD _ logic _ vector(3 down to 0);

cout 1:out STD _ logic);

end second 1;

The architecture a of second 1 is


Process (clock, clock)

The variable ss, SG: STD _ logic _ vector (3downto0);

The variable co:STD _ logic;;


If clr=' 1', then ss:= "0000 ";; SG:= " 0000 ";

Elsif clks event and clks=' 1' and then

If ss="0 10 1 "and sg=" 100 1", then ss:= "0000 ";; SG:= " 0000 "; co:= ' 1 ';

Elsif SG< "1001"Then SG: = SG+1; co:= ' 0 ';

Elsif sg=" 100 1 "Then SG:=" 0000 ";; ss:= ss+ 1; co:= ' 0 ';

End if;

End if;

cout 1 & lt; = co

Secs & lt= ss

Secg & lt= sg

End the process;

End a;

Min 1 (hexadecimal sub-counter and decimal ALM 10 can tell hours)

Library ieee

Use IEEE.std _ logic _1164.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ unsigned.all;

Entity min 1 Yes

Port(clkm,clr:in STD _ logic;

mins,Ming:buffer STD _ logic _ vector(3 down to 0);

enmin,alarm:out STD _ logic);


The architecture a of min 1 is


Process (clkm, clr)

The variable ms, mg: STD _ logic _ vector (3downto0);

Variables so, ALM:STD _ logic;;


If clr=' 1', then ms:= "0000 ";; mg:= " 0000 ";

Elsif clkm' event and clkm=' 1' then

If ms="0 10 1 "and mg=" 100 1", then ms:= "0000 ";; mg:= " 0000 "; So: ='1'; ALM:= ' 1 ';

Elsif mg< "1001"Then mg: = mg+1; So: =' 0'; ALM:= ' 0 ';

Elsif mg=" 100 1 "Then mg:=" 0000 ";; ms:= ms+ 1; So: =' 0'; ALM:= ' 0 ';

End if;

End if;

Alarm & lt= alm

Enmin < = so;

Minute & lt= ms

Ming & lt= mg

End the process;

End a;

Hour 1 (quaternary and binary hour counters)

Library ieee

Use IEEE.std _ logic _1164.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ unsigned.all;

Entity hours 1 Yes

Port(clkh,clr:in STD _ logic;

Hours, hourg:out std_logic_vector(3 down to 0));


The architecture a of hour 1 is


Process (clkh, clr)

The variable hs, Hg: STD _ logic _ vector (3downto0);


If clr=' 1', then hs:= "0000 ";; Hg:= " 0000 ";

elsif clkh ' event and clkh = ' 1 ' then

If hs="00 10 "and hg="00 1 1", then hs:= "0000 ";; Hg:= " 0000 ";

Elsif Hg< "1001"Then Hg: = Hg+1;

Elsif hg=" 100 1 "Then Hg:=" 0000 ";; hs:= hs+ 1; End if;

End if;

Hours & lt= hs

hourg & lt= hg

End the process;



Library ieee

Use IEEE.std _ logic _1164.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ unsigned.all;

The entity madapt is

Port(en,clk,secin,m 1:in STD _ logic;

minset:out STD _ logic);


Madapu's building a is


Process (en, m 1)


If en=' 1', then

If m 1=' 1', then min set < = clk.

Elseminset < = secin ends if;

else minset & lt= secin

End if;

End the process;


School time

Library ieee

Use IEEE.std _ logic _1164.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ unsigned.all;

Entity hadapt is

Port(en,clk,minin,h 1:in STD _ logic;

hourset:out STD _ logic);


Hadap's building a is


Process (en, h 1)


If en=' 1', then

If h 1=' 1', then hour < = clk.

Elsehour & lt = minin ends if;

else hourset & lt= minin

End if;

End the process;


Topclock (component instantiation top-level file)

Library ieee

Use IEEE.std _ logic _1164.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ arith.all;

Use IEEE.std _ logic _ unsigned.all;

Entity topclock is

Port(clk,clr,en,m 1,h 1:in STD _ logic;

alarm:out STD _ logic;

secs,secg,mins,ming,hours,hourg:buffer STD _ logic _ vector(3 down to 0));


One of the architectures of topclock is

Component sec 1

Port( clks,clr:in STD _ logic;

secs,secg:buffer STD _ logic _ vector(3 down to 0);

cout 1:out STD _ logic);

End assembly;

Component min 1

Port(clkm,clr:in STD _ logic;

mins,Ming:buffer STD _ logic _ vector(3 down to 0);

enmin,alarm:out STD _ logic);

End assembly;

Component hours 1

Port(clkh,clr:in STD _ logic;

Hours, hourg:buffer std_logic_vector(3 down to 0));

End assembly;

Component madapt

Port(en,m 1,clk,secin:in STD _ logic;

minset:out STD _ logic);

End assembly;

Component hadapt

Port(en,h 1,clk,Minin:in STD _ logic;

hourset:out STD _ logic);

End assembly;

Signals a, b, c and d: STD _ logic;


U 1:second 1 port mapping (clr = & gtclr,

secs = & gtsecs,secg = & gtsecg,clks = & gtclk,cout 1= >a);

U2:min 1 port mapping (clr = & gtclr, alarm => alarm,

Minute = & gtmins, ming => Ming, clkm =>b, enmin =>C);

U3:hour 1 port mapping (clr = > clr,

hours = & gthours,hourg = & gthourg,clkh = & gtd);

U4: map of MAdapt port (en = & gten, m 1= >m 1, clk = & gtclk, secin =>a, min set =>B);

U5:hadapt port mapping (en = & gten, h 1= >h 1, clk = & gtclk, minin =>c, hourset =>D);


3 circuit diagram

4 experimental experience

All the programs are written for you. You just need to simulate it yourself, download it into the experimental box, and it's OK.