15 14 years, Copernicus's manuscripts began to spread among friends, including many astronomers and scholars. This 40-page manuscript records the idea of Heliocentrism Hypothesis, and Heliocentrism Hypothesis contains seven basic principles. Specifically including:
All celestial bodies have no concentric center;
The earth is the center of the moon's orbit;
All celestial bodies revolve around the sun, and the center of the universe is near the sun;
The distance between the earth and the sun is insignificant compared with the distance between the earth and the sun and the stars, because the distance is far away and our lines of sight to watch the stars are almost parallel, so the parallax is close to zero;
The back-and-forth movement of the planet that people see is caused by the movement of the earth;
The earth goes around the sun once, which is an annual movement around the sun. There are more than one way for the earth to move (the earth has some movements besides rotation);
The earth's orbit around the sun makes the planets look in opposite directions.