Abstract: The dissolution of soluble pigments and tin in two kinds of tin-based chemically active antifouling paints is the key process affecting their polishing and preservative leaching rate. In this context, pigments with low time-behavior-resource consumption method are of great interest in finding the most promising materials or mixtures. One method of preliminary development is to propose a widely used natural pigment based on zinc oxide.
At the same time, the nano-polished high-purity single crystal zinc oxide matrix produced a very low dissolution rate contribution of 17.3+3.7μg Zn2+ 2 days 1 cm, and the speed of preparing zinc oxide pigment by particle compaction and sintering was about three times of the technical level. According to the measurement method of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp-ms), the porous surface was rough and more exposed, plus a large number of defects in the crystal structure. In any case, the dissolution rate of zinc oxide reported in this paper is obviously lower than that of copper oxide (Cu2O) particles dissolved in seawater, and it is also used in atrial fibrillation coatings. The experimental model of performance test and the formula of zinc oxide and/or cuprous oxide of various antifouling paints show that if the leached marine water-soluble pigment is a coating system, the interaction between binder and pigment can not be ignored.
Keywords: zinc oxide; Dissolution speed of pigment; Antifouling paint; Release rate of tin-free bactericide; pigment
1。 introduce
2。 Literature review: Preliminary study on dissolution rate of Cu2O and zinc oxide.
That's 2. 1. Determination of dissolution rate of Cu2O
2. 1. 1。 Exposed area
2. 1.2。 Diffusion resistance
2. 1.3。 Correlation between temperature, pH value and chloride ion concentration
Article 2.2. Study on dissolution rate of zinc oxide
3。 Materials and methods
3. 1。 Zinc oxide single crystal substrate
3.2。 Zinc oxide particles and sintered pigment particles were prepared.
3.3。 reactor
3.4。 analytic technique
3.5 points. Artificial seawater
3.6。 Performance model experiment of antifouling coatings
3.7%。 Based on the mathematical model
3.7. 1。 Zinc oxide is the only pigment.
3.7. 1. 1。 Dissolution kinetics
3.7. 1.2。 In front of the pigment balance
4。 Results and discussion
4 1。 Monocrystalline silicon substrate
4. 1. 1。 Effect of seawater temperature on dissolution rate
4. 1.2。 Comment on the reliability of analysis results
4.2。 Zinc oxide sintered pellets
43。 Comparison between atrial fibrillation coating and dissolution rate model
4.3. 1。 Zinc oxide is the only pigment.
4.3.2。 ZnO-Cu2O model of mixture
5。 conclusion
Source reference