1857, Jelling and Gerber founded the Yearbook of Contemporary Roman Private Law and German Private Law Theory (Jahrbü chern fü r Diedougik des heutigen R&; OumlMischen und Deutschen privat Rechts) (later renamed Yelling Yearbook), it immediately became one of the most important German legal journals, and this position was largely attributed to Yelling's contribution to it. After the yearbook was founded, Ye Lin's papers were mainly published in the yearbook.
Ye Lin's works mainly include [4]:
( 1)Abhandlungen aus DEM r & amp; Ouml Leipzig 1844 "Essays on Roman Law"
(2)Zivilrechtsf & amp; AumlLleohne Entscheidung, Leipzig 1847 "Uncertain Civil Law Cases" (divided into two parts, the first part is the case studied by Ye Lin himself, and the second part is 36 cases in Puchta; 1870 in the second edition, 36 Puchta cases were deleted, and the laws in daily life were taken as the appendix).
(3) Astor R&D Center; Oumlmischen rechts auf den verchiedenen Stufen Seiner Entwickelung, Teil 1-3, Leipzig 1852- 1865 The Spirit of Roman Law in Different Development Stages (hereinafter referred to as the Spirit of Roman Law) consists of three volumes, of which the second volume is divided into two volumes.
(4)r & amp; Schuldmomentouml in A, Mishin privat recht, Giessen 1867 "Elements of Fault in Roman Private Law" (later included in the Collection of Laws published in 1879).
(5)ISTDIE JURISPRUDENZINE WISSENSCHAFT:Jherings Wiener Antrittsvorlesung VOM 16。 Oktober 1868, Wallstein 1998 "Is Law Science?" (1October 1868+06 Inaugural Address in Vienna).
(6) Uber Deng Grund des Besitzschutzes, Jena 1869 "Protection Based on Possession" (originally published in the Yearbook of Contemporary Roman Private Law and German Private Law Theory 1868, entitled "Beitr &;; aumlge zur Lehre vom Besitz”)
(7) Jurisprudence of Trade and Investment Law; AumlGlichen Lebens, Jena 1870 "The Law in Daily Life" (originally as an appendix to "Undecided Civil Legal Cases" and later published separately).
(8) The Struggle for Rights, Vienna 1872 (farewell speech in Vienna)
(9)Der Zweck im Recht, Band 1-2, Leipzig 1877- 1883 "Purpose in Law" (two volumes * *).
(10) Leipzig 1879 Law Collection.
(1 1)auml This is an era of dogma about research and development; OumlMischen und Deutschen privat Rechts, Band 1-3, Jena1881-Kloc-0/886 "Essays on Contemporary Roman Private Law and German Private Law Theory" (* * * three volumes).
(12) das trinkgold, Brunswick 1882 "Hint"
(13) Scherz und Ernst in der jurisprudenz: Eine Weihnachtsgabe fü r das jurispische publikum, Leipzig 1884 "The joke and seriousness of law-a Christmas gift for legal readers".
(14) Uber's Legal Research, published in German Jurist1884 (15) Derbesitzweile; Having Will-Criticizing the Dominant Legal Method
(16) Besitz and Hande Company; Oumlrterbach der staatswissenchaften1891possession (1893 in the yearbook of contemporary Roman private law and German private law theory).
(17) Indian-European studies, 1-2, Leipzig 1894 Indian-European prehistory (* * * two volumes) (18) Roman legal studies.
Some of his letters were edited and published after he died.
Mainly includes:
(1) J HERINGS BRIEFE An Windscheid (1870- 189 1), Letter from G & ampouml Yelin to Windset (1870-189/kloc)
(2) Derbrief Wechsel Jherings Mitunger und Glaser, Ebelsbach 1996 "Ye Lin's Communication with Engel and Glassel".
(3) rudolf von jhering in "freund on the Seine", Leipzig 19 13 "Yelin's Letter to Friends".
(4) rudolf von jhering (1852- 1868), Briefe und Erinerungen, Berlin 1907 Ye Lin: Letters and Memories.
(5) Derbrief Wechsel Zwischen jhering und Gerber, Ebelsbach 1984 "The Communication between Ye Lin and Gerber" Another two books worth noting are Ye Lin: Contribution and Witness (Rudolf von jhering: Beitr &: Auml; Ge and Zeugnisse: 100 USD. Wiederkehr Seines todestag Esam17.9.1992, Wallstein 1993) and "Teaching in Puchta according to Pandekton's textbooks" (Pandektenvorlesung nach Puchta, Wallstein 2008).