/library/special/bl _ Phoneme _ Explain 2.htm
Chapter 3 Morphology: Vocabulary of Language
Morphological word formation/morphological morpheme/morpheme dictionary orthography
Category; The opening function of syntactic part-of-speech content words.
Word function word closure (category) closure general reference/slip of the tongue/slip of the tongue
Bound morpheme bound morpheme free morpheme discrete iambic? Y/ ring root-
And-mode, reflecting: vowel change/vowel alternation part phonetic conversion root stem.
Single morpheme, single morpheme, multiple morphemes and multiple morphemes derived morphemes.
Inflectional morpheme vocabulary vacancy? ~? Staff? Clipping, Truncating, Mixing and Saving Joint Words
Consonants/Abbreviations/Mixtures of Combination Words? ~ eponymous ancestors (whose name is used to name race, land,? R generation)
Chapter four syntax: sentence patterns of language
Hierarchical structure, hierarchical ambiguity, structural ambiguity, ambiguity
Grammatical Relation Grammatical Relation Tree Diagram Tree Structure Component Node Node
Syntax Category Syntax Category = Part of Speech = Part of Speech
Noun phrase noun phrase verb phrase adjective phrase qualifier
Preposition preposition auxiliary verb modal verb central complement
Complement marker transitivity and transitive inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase inflectional phrase. Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases inflections Phrases.
Phrase recursion circuitous phrase structure regular phrase, vocabulary,
Functional category phrase category, notional category, function category subject predicate predicate predicate/predicate object subject/object
Direct Object Direct Recipients/Objects? Words/objects accepted between Zindirect objects? Other indirect objects
Grammatical depth of prototype transformation of infinitive naked infinitive verbs
Structure deep structure surface structure surface structure
Structural dependence rules depend on structural rules Syntax dependence Syntax dependence wh words
Interrogative words advance universal grammar (UG), universal grammar principles and
Parametric (PP) theory? T is connected symmetrically and harmoniously with parameter theory; Equal parallel connection
Redundant words of copula
Chapter V Meaning of Language
Ability language knowledge expression language table? F semantic collocation conjunctions (co-occurrence;; raise
Pragmatics Pragmatics Vocabulary Lexical Semantic Attributes Semantic Features Semantic Features
Content words function words function words count nouns countable nouns countable nouns uncountable nouns, quality
Nouns, uncountable nouns in collective noun, sticky quantifiers in collective noun, unit words, category words.
Arbitrary homonym homonym
Homographs, synonyms, antonyms, antonyms, hyponyms/metonymies
Etymological thesaurus thesaurus ambiguity ambiguity polysemy can be graded.
Relative antonym marked antonym marked unmarked proper noun/proper noun
Noun proper name? ~ argument/argument structure argument structure/argument structure grid
Combinatorial semantic synthesis theme role semantic role/theme role agent/agent/
Subject object/patient target end point source starting point position instrument tool experiencer experiencer experiencer experiencer.
Causative verb Causative verb Causative owner theta role
The purport function of the truth condition of interpretation (interpretation; Free translation; Agree to train each other)
Event event status pronoun pronoun? ~ anaphora refers to anaphora (anterior anaphora)
Precedent Precedent Reflex Pronouns Reflex Pronouns Abnormal Metaphorical Idioms
The principle of coherence and consistency in Discourse analysis
The principle of cooperation is applied to the application of sentence force in sentence behavior
The presupposition and implication of sex? N- implication deixis
Chapter VIII Language Acquisition
Language acquisition Language acquisition relative clause behaviorism
Joint conclusion of feedback learning analogy connectionism
Talking about parent-child language/mother's language/child's language; child-oriented speech; imperative imperative imperative sentences; innate.
Suppose that the stimulus of poverty stimulates the poor babbling/children's language.
Full phrase language is a complete sentence language, which uses a vocabulary to answer all syntactic meanings.
Bootstrap Bootstrap Self-help/Inferring Meaning in Grammatical Form Generalizing Telegram Voice Telegram
Meta-linguistics of Mean Discourse Length (MLU) Sentences in Chinese
Consciousness assumes that language consciousness makes the rigid interlanguage grammatical interlanguage rigid.
Chapter 9 Language Processing: Humans and Computers
Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics Acoustics The fundamental frequency intensity has a strong sound.
Spectrogram spectrogram, voiceprint voiceprint resonance peak * * * vibration peak from top to bottom
Processing top-down processing bottom-up processing bottom-up processing vocabulary decision-making tasks to distinguish literacy or not.
Minimum attachment principle, minimum attachment principle and late closure principle
Follow-up Retelling Follow-up/Follow-up Corpus (plural: Corpus) Corpus Index Collocation
Analysis of Word Formation * * * Degree Analysis of Information Retrieval Data Mining (DM) Data Mining
Automatic machine translation (MT) machine
Translator translates source language, source language, target language and target language automatic speech.
Recognition (ASR) Automatic Speech Recognition System Speech Synthesis Text to Speech (TTS) Text
Speech-to-speech parser/parser conversion network conversion network nodes parallel
parallel processing
10 Chapter Language Society
Dialect square.
Accent, accent, dialect atlas and other language line prestige prohibit language taboos
Language revival revives African American English (AAE); Afro-American
Vernacular English (AAVE); Black English/African American English Dialect Delete Delete
Simplified neutralization and diphthongs of simplified substrings of consonant clusters
Simplified diphthongs's Monovowel Double Negative Double Negative Habitual
Latin American Mexican Mexican American code-switching language
Francesa * * * pidgin pidgin/Creole pidgin, a mixed language of two or more languages; Mixed? Zstyle style/style
Register style/register slang? Z, jargon jargon argot argot argot argot argot argot argot taboo taboo taboo.
Anglo-Saxon euphemism is derived from Latin euphemism. Euphemism of Latinate in Anglo-Saxon/race/nationality is called different races/
Ethnic modifiers have marked forms, marked forms and unmarked forms. Folk etymology popular etymology: replacing familiar words.
Explain the etymology of uncommon words according to the popular idea of popularization, thus forming a line of secret language pig Latin.
Words, put the consonants of the prefix into the suffix, and add one more syllable (for example, pig becomes igpay and Latin becomes atinlay) to the London accent.
Rhyming Slang There is a rhyming dialect in East London/There is a rhyming dialect in London.
Chapter 65438 Language change: syllables of time
Historical Linguistics Historical Linguistics Any Old English Old English? Z
The anglo-Saxon Canterbury tales
Middle English Middle English Vowel Big Transfer Vowel Transfer Modern English Modern English
Make a regular language last forever/immortalize a regular sound correspondence rule.
Phonetic changes correspond to phonetic changes. Appalachian mountains? } original language
The etymology of primitive Germanic language The etymology of primitive Indo-European language.
The palatalization of phoneme system of phoneme list tends to the person/thing corresponding to overlapping words,
Case marker suffix change case (inflected) Sanskrit noun nominative nominative nominative nominative nominative.
Kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind, kind.
Norman Conquest Norman Conquest conquered the Angles, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Celts, Kate, and Luoan.
Translation Semantic Borrowing/Translation Introduction Tok Pisin Comparative Law
Reconstruction is intended to measure the conditional sound change/restricted sound change of ancient sound by comparative method.
A multilingual person.
Writing: Basic knowledge of language
Hieroglyphics hieroglyphics refer to cuneiform writing.
Logogram logo/acronym syllable word syllable word Cherokee syllable word withdrawal wiki syllable word expression Facebook
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics consonant letters consonant letters
Writing letters Greek letters Greek letters Russian letters Georgian
Letter Georgian Letter (Chinese) Pinyin Chinese Pinyin (Scheme) Calligraphy Calligraphy Hiragana Hiragana Hiragana
Katakana Katakana Kanji Hangul Hangul letter hyphenation spelling and spelling
Morphological phonetics, phonology, morpheme, phonology, spelling and pronunciation
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