Wang Qingfei said that at that time, the masses were very excited, and they knelt down to appease the masses in order to win their understanding.
Witnesses: The villagers blocked the road and caused the road to be interrupted.
An eyewitness told Beijing time that in the early morning of the 20th, the flood of Chuankou Reservoir in Xingtai suddenly flooded into the downstream village, causing many people to drown. Some villagers blocked roads and demanded dialogue with the government.
The road blockade occurred around 8 am on the 22nd. The roadblocks are villagers in Daxian Village, East Wang Zhen, Xingtai Development Zone. At that time, the traffic in Xingtai section of National Highway 107 and Provincial Highway 326 was paralyzed. After someone called the police, the police rushed to the scene to persuade the people who blocked the road to evacuate.