Sugar orange
2 accessories
crystal sugar
Proper amount
sweet taste
Someone's taste
Half an hour
time consuming
Production steps of rock sugar orange juice
Production steps of rock sugar orange juice: 1 1 2 ice sugar orange.
Production steps of rock sugar orange juice: 2 2 Cut the rock sugar orange juice, as shown in the figure.
How to make rock sugar orange juice: 3 3 Prepare rock sugar.
Production steps of rock sugar orange juice: 4 4 Remove the skin from the bowl and add a proper amount of rock sugar.
Production steps of rock sugar orange juice: 5.5. Add appropriate amount of water and steam in a steamer for about 1.5 minutes.
The practice steps of rock sugar orange juice: 6 6 steamed ice sugar juice.
Production steps of rock sugar orange juice: 7 7 You can eat with residue, but don't eat sweet orange residue. Filter the residue with a filter spoon, as shown in the figure.
The practice steps of rock sugar orange juice: 8 8 slag sugar juice.