Clinical medicine mainly studies the basic knowledge and skills of basic medicine, clinical medicine, general practice and disease diagnosis and treatment, and carries out clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases in basic medical and health institutions such as urban and rural community health service centers. For example: diagnosis and treatment of basic diseases such as cold, fever and trauma, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and epidemic diseases, and first aid of critical diseases such as myocardial infarction and thrombosis.
Curriculum system:
Human anatomy, histology and embryology, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, diagnostics, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology and women's health care, pediatrics and children's health care train the following professional directions: general medicine, rural doctors, medical cosmetology, medical imaging and pre-hospital first aid.
Employment direction:
Primary medical and health institutions: clinical medical treatment, preventive health care, rehabilitation health care and family planning.
Professional integration:
An example of continuing undergraduate major: clinical medicine.