Types of electronic documents: database [DB], computer [CP], electronic bulletin [EB]
The carrier types of electronic documents: Internet [OL], CD [CD], magnetic tape [MT] and disk [DK].
Its corresponding label format is as follows:
Monograph [m]:[ serial number] Principal. Title of the document [Document Type ID]. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Starting and ending page numbers (optional)
Journal article [J]:[ serial number] Principal. File title [J]. Publication name, year, volume (issue): page number.
Newspaper article [n]:[ serial number] Principal responsible person. File title [n]. Newspaper name and publication date (edition)
1. In the list of references at the end of the text, all references should be sorted by Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Be sure to number them in the order in which they appear in the text.
2. Please change the Chinese references in the reference list into Chinese and English.
Please write the full names of English periodicals and conference papers in the bibliography of periodicals and conference papers.
Please write all kinds of references in strict accordance with the punctuation marks in "II". Writing of various references ".