Riccardo giacconi, an American scientist, was born in Genoa, Italy, in 193 1, and received his doctorate from the University of Milan, Italy in 1954. He is now the director of AUI, in charge of the operation of the National Radio Observatory. Giacconi led the development of the world's first cosmic X-ray detector, discovered the X-ray source outside the solar system for the first time in the world, and confirmed the existence of X-ray background radiation in the universe for the first time.
American scientist raymond davis 19 14 was born in Washington, D.C., and 1942 received his doctorate in chemistry from Yale University in the United States. He is now an honorary professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Pennsylvania. He won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics for his pioneering contributions in astrophysics, especially in the field of "detecting cosmic neutrinos".
Deng Jiaxian (1924- 1986) was born in Huaining County, Anhui Province, 1924, male, party member, nuclear physicist, academician of China Academy of Sciences, research assistant and associate researcher of Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of theoretical department of No.9 Institute of Second Machinery Department, vice president and dean of No.9 Institute, and member of Science and Technology Commission. 1986 is dead.
Benjamin Franklin (1706- 1790) has contributed to science not only in electrostatics, but also in a wide range of research fields. In mathematics, he created magic squares eight times and sixteen times, and he was also an outstanding social activist.
Chen Jingrun (1933- 1996), a native of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 1953 graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Xiamen University and is a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of China Academy of Sciences. Mainly engaged in the research of analytic number theory, and achieved international leading results in the research of Goldbach conjecture.