39 kinds of fierce dogs: Tibetan mastiff, Italian Niupoliton, French Bordeaux, Argentine Du Gao, English mastiff, boxer, Du Binquan, Castrol, Caucasian, Newfoundland, Comondo, Rottweiler, Greyhound, German Shepherd, Afghan Hound, Russian Shepherd, Sharpay, Deerhound, Weimar Hound, boeing da. Flanders Cattle and Dogs, Russian Black Terrier, Belgian Shepherd, bull terrier, Kelly Blue Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Bitter Dog, English Bulldog, Tosa Dog, Akita Dog, German Wolfhound, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Canary Dog, Horse Dog, East Sichuan Hound Dog, China Boutique Dog, Kunming Dog, China Garden Dog (Native Dog) and Brazilian Ferrer Dog.
9 kinds of big dogs: Great White Bear, Alaskan Malamute, Saint Bernard, Great Dane, Ancient Shepherd Dog, Bloodhound, Side Dog, burnham Mountain Dog and Damocky Dog.
Border grazing is also among the forbidden animals, and golden retrievers cannot be kept. According to the actual situation for many years, dogs like Golden Retriever are gentle, rarely bark, and have no record of biting or attacking people. "