Give us a second chance to score. After the initial test, the teacher only knew his first impression from this result. At this time, students with high grades are of course relatively stable. If students' grades are low, the second exam is a chance to fight back. Resume is an opportunity for teachers to get to know us. You can tell the teacher what we have done in this university for four years and what awards we have won. After all, in the postgraduate stage, teachers hope that students not only think flexibly about exams, but also hope that students can really do something, rather than complete problem-solving tools; Many students also passed the second interview. Imagine the same two students, one of whom has a thick resume and a thick attachment. The coach and the teacher are watching a lot of things in it. Does the teacher look happy? The resume of another student only contains the professional introduction of the school class and some professional course results, and there are few other things. In this case, the teacher will subjectively like his former classmates. Don't underestimate the second interview. In many schools, the initial and second exams are 50-50. Even if you really have nothing, your resume can be beautified. Do we usually do some small projects, and then we will have some insights and improve some skills, right? Then we can improve ourselves again based on these projects. To sum up, resumes are really useful. Let's wait and see how much benefit this resume can bring us, but at least don't let it hold us back. I hope I can help you.