Muhammad (about 570-632), prophet of Islam. Our country has translated it into "Muhammad", "Mahama" and "Mohan model". The full name is Abu Kassem Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abd-Ai-Muttalib bin Hashim. He was born in the Hashemite family of Gulai tribe in Mecca, Arabia.
Muhammad's ancestors once had the power to take charge of the Kaaba worship in Mecca and convene the council meeting of Gulai tribe. His family began to decline after his great grandfather. Father Abdullah died in the line of duty before he was born. At the age of 6, her mother died and was raised by her grandfather Abd-Ai-Muttalib. My grandfather died at the age of eight and was adopted by my uncle Abu Talib.
Muhammad is honest and modest, fair and charitable, and has won people's praise and trust, and is known as "Emin" (that is, faithful and reliable). At the age of 25, she was employed by Khadijah, a wealthy widow of the Magnofil family, to handle business for her. In 596 AD, Muhammad and Khadijah got married. Since then, his life has become rich and stable, and his social prestige has increased day by day, laying the foundation for missionary work.