Then added a running block-Jane's essence):
First, a super complete Avenir is added.
Series fonts:
Avenir, Avenir next and Avenir next are all 12.
One word weighs 36 styles [1]. Shocking. Avenir
It is a very famous professional font series. Apple will affect the work style of amateur graphic designers.
Second, the happiest thing is the Korean circle:
As we know, iOS comes from 5.
At the beginning, I have brought two characters (medium bold) of Apple SD Gothic Neo (a Korean bold) designed by South Korea's Sandoll. IOS 6 as of
6.0 (10A53 16k) published on WWDC 20 12 has not changed in this font family.
However, on OS X Mountain Lion, it comes with it now.
Apple SD Gothic Neo 9
Word weight: thin, ultra-light, light, ordinary, medium, semi-bold, bold, ultra-bold and heavy. Well, I can only say-it's shocking.
Although it is only bold, it is so complete and heavy, plus it comes from
Lion began to bring its own Nanum series fonts, which really made OS X in Korean circle bring its own font reserve level, and Hiragino in Japanese circle.
The series is just as beautiful. Apple SD Gothic Neo is located in regular and bold.
/System/Library/Fonts/, used as the system interface font. Squeeze the ugly default Korean font Apple Gothic into /Library/Fonts/
Third, there are actually more than eight new Chinese fonts:
By default, three new font families (located in /Library/Fonts/) are installed:
Regular script-Jane: from Chinese. This is for OS X.
The expansion of China's regular script. Now, the original Chinese regular script is used as the main body, plus boldface and boldface, a total of three.
A word is important. Remove the original Chinese italic independent documents (but still independent fonts) and merge them into italics-Jane becomes italics. ttc。
Song Zhenzhen: From Chinese. This is an extension of China's song style. Take Chinese original songs as light, plus regular style and bold style.
Windows/Office users are familiar with Chinese (Song Style) and black (Black), which are four words in total. The original independent documents in Chinese were removed (but still in independent fonts) and merged into Songti-Simplified Chinese characters, becoming
Song dynasty. ttc
Yuppie Jane, Yuppie Fan: From Mona. In fact, it is the free font MYuppy provided by Mona. Linux operating system
The community may be familiar with this font.
Example (without yuppie complexity):
In addition, seven new font families (located in /Applications/Font) will not be installed by default
book . app/Contents/Resources/StubFonts).
These font families are all disabled at the beginning of the system, and their own font files are incomplete and only exist.
Stubs in the font book. You need to manually enable the application to download and install:
Font families that are not installed by default include:
Newspaper official-Jane: From China.
Lanting Black-Jane, Lanting Black-Complex: From Founder. There are three words for simplicity and complexity: ultra-light, semi-light and heavy. The word right relationship with Founder Lanting Black Business Edition. See:
/question/ 19790202
Li Bian-Jane: From China.
Doll-Jane: From Kang Hua.
Wei Beizhen and Wei Beifan: From Wen Ding.
Running script-Jane: From Chinese. There are two kinds of word weights: light and thick.
Round body-Jane: From Chinese. There are three kinds of word weights: light, positive and thick.
Example (traditional omitted, not included.
New line block after DP4-simple and fine):
Fourth, some other issues:
Note to Web designers and front-end engineers: In Safari 6.0 (confirmed by @ jingjingjing from Safari 5.2)
There is no default font setting. Therefore, if there is no specific font family in the web page, it will be directly based on lang attribute and generic-family.
Fall back to the system default font. So websites like Chinese Wikipedia will be ugly (because font-family: sans-serif;
And bold-simple Spanish is a disaster).
The structure and content of DefaultFontFallbacks.plist have changed slightly (including the Korean default font change introduced above). Contrast: /2924025
Hiragino Sans GB is still not the default font for simplified Chinese. Sheila Ginosans, who died before the release of Snow Leopard.
The central nervous system is still missing.
* * *
I also installed iOS released by WWDC 20 12 on the third generation iPad.
6.0 ( 10A53 16k):
It also contains three font families, namely Avenir, Avenir Next and Avenir Next Condensed, and the weight of each font family is 12 words.
Simplified and traditional Chinese fonts (bold-simple and bold-complex) have not changed significantly, and there are no new fonts in OS X. But what did they have before?
Heiti J (Japanese font) and Heit K (Korean font) have been deleted. After all, there are Hiragino Kaku Gothic in Japan and Apple SD Gothic in Korea.