Generally appear in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan and other regions in China. It can treat iron injury, rheumatoid arthritis, backache, abdominal pain and diarrhea, swollen gums, sore throat and other related diseases, and also has a good therapeutic effect on skin itching, dermatitis, tinea and snake bite.
growing environment
Rebecca thorn was born in hillside bushes, plains, hills and rivers, and in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. It is distributed in tropical and temperate regions of Asia.
Rebecca's thorn roots are cylindrical, curved and branched, with different lengths and a diameter of 2-6 cm. The root head is enlarged, the outer skin is grayish brown and rough, with transverse lenticels and obvious longitudinal wrinkles. Strong quality, not easy to break, brown leather knots, white wood, accounting for the vast majority. Slight gas, pungent, astringent and slightly bitter.
Aralia elata root bark is drum-shaped, groove-shaped or irregular fragment-shaped, with different lengths and thicknesses. Its outer surface is grayish brown and rough, with warty protrusions and grayish yellow lateral lenticels, and often with invagination rings.
The inner surface is light brown, slightly flat, with thin longitudinal stripes. Hard and brittle, easy to break, the section is granular, and the markings formed by stone cell groups can be seen on the flat section. A slight breath, a slightly astringent taste. It feels sandy when chewed. It's better to have a large strip of thick leather.