Prince tyre *? [a] The Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest * Twelfth Night or whatever. Two Gentlemen of Verona also translated: Two noble relatives *** en *? [b] A Winter's Tale, historical dramas King John, King John, Richard II, Henry IV (I), Henry IV.
Part 1 Henry IV (Part II) Henry IV
Part II Henry v. Henry v. Henry VI (Part I) Henry VI
Part 1? [c] Henry VI (Part II) Henry VI
Part II Henry VI (Part III) Henry VI
The third part Richard III Richard III Henry VIII? [d] Tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Coe Leoline Nast, Coe Leoline Nast, titus Antelo Knicks, Titus Andlau Knicks? [e] Timon in Athens? [f] Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Macbeth? [g] Hamlet Hamlet Trojan Ross and Cresida Trojan Ross and Cresida Lear King Othello Anthony and Cleopatra cymbeline cymbeline's sonnet "The Rape of Lucretia by Venus and adonis, Sons of Venus and adonis" is also translated as: Lucretia is a * * * enthusiastic pilgrim, and also translated as: * Wanderer [h]. The complaints of the lovers of Phoenix and Tortoise were also translated into the complaints of lovers: the labor of love won, and the labor of love won, Cardeno? [i] Other works are suspected to be Shakespeare's Ahldin in Faversham, The Ardennes of Merlin's Birth, Locklin, Locklin, The London Prodigal, and The Tragedy of the Puritan Second Girl. Sir John Odecastle Sir John Oldcastle Lord thomas Cromwell Yorkshire Tragedy Edward III Edward III Sir Thomas More
Reference: Wikipedia