2. John went from 1797 to 1800. Adams federal party
3.1801~1808 Thomas. Jefferson Democratic Republican Party
4. James from 1809 to 18 16. Madison Democratic Republican Party
5. 18 17~ 1824 James. Monroe Democratic Republican Party
6. John went from 1825 to 1828. Quincy. Adams (son of the second president) Democratic Republican Party
7. 1829~ 1836 Andrew. Jackson Democratic Party
8. 1837~ 1840 Martin. Van Buren Democratic Party
9. William of1841year. Harrison Whig Party 184 1 died in April and was succeeded by Vice President Taylor.
10, 184 1~ 1844 John. Taylor Whig Party
1 1, 1845~ 1848 James. Polk democratic party
12, 1849~ 1850 Zachary. Taylor Whig Party 1850 died in July and was succeeded by Vice President Fillmore.
Mi Leide 13, 1850~ 1852. Whig Party of fillmore
14, 1853~ 1856 Franklin. Pierce Democratic Party
15, 1857~ 1860 James. Buchanan democratic party
16, 186 1~ 1865 Abraham. Lincoln Republican Party was assassinated in April 1865, and was succeeded by Vice President Johnson.
17, 1865~ 1868 Andrew. Johnson Republican party
18, 1869~ 1876 Ulysses. Grant Republican party
19, 1877~ 1880 Rutherford. Hayes Republican
20, 188 1 James. Garfield Republican Party 188 1 September was assassinated and was succeeded by Vice President Arthur.
2 1, 188 1~ 1884 Chester. Arthur Republican Party
22, 1885~ 1888 Grover. Cleveland democratic party
23. 1889~ 1892 Benjamin. Harrison Republican is the grandson of william harrison, who was president in 184 1.
24, 1893~ 1896 Grover. Cleveland democratic party
25. 1897~ 190 1 year William. McGinley Republican Party 190 1 was assassinated in September and was succeeded by Vice President Roosevelt.
26. 190 1~ 1908 Theodore. Roosevelt Republican party
27. William went from 1909 to 19 12. Taft Republican party
28. 19 13~ 1920 Woodrow. Wilson Democratic Party
29. 192 1~ 1923 Warren. Harding Republican Party 1923 died in August and was succeeded by Vice President Coolidge.
30, 1923~ 1928 Calvin. Coolidge Republican
3 1, 1929~ 1932 Herbert. Hoover Republican party
32, 1933~ 1945 Franklin. Roosevelt Democratic Party 1945 died in April and was succeeded by Vice President Truman. He is a distant relative of theodore roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States.
33, 1945~ 1952 Harry. S. Truman Democrats
34, 1953~ 196 1 Dwight. Eisenhower Republican party
35, 196 1~ 1963 John. Kennedy Democratic Party was assassinated in June 1963 1 1, and was succeeded by Vice President Johnson.
36. 1963~ 1968 Linden. Johnson Democratic Party
37. 1969~ 1974 Richard. Nixon's Republican Party resigned in August 1974 because of Watergate.
38, 1974~ 1976 Gerald. After Nixon, a Republican of Ford, resigned due to Watergate, Ford succeeded as president.
39, 1977~ 1980 Jimmy. Carter democratic party
40, 198 1~ 1988 Ronald. Reagan Republican party
4 1, 1989~ 1992 George. Bush Republican party
42. 1993~2000 bill. Clinton Democratic Party
43,2001~ 2009 George. Walker. The Bush Republican Party is the son of George Bush and the 4th1president.
44 issues in 2009 ~ Bellak. Obama Democratic Party, the first African-American president in American history.