1979.09—— 1983.07 History major, History Department, Central China Normal University.
1983.07—— 1985.07 Teacher of Yunyang No.1 Middle School
1985.07—— 1988.08 Teacher of Political History Department of Yunyang Normal University (period: 1986.09 —— 1987.07).
1988.08 ——1991.03 Director and lecturer of China History Department of Yunyang Normal University.
1991.03 ——1993.08 Deputy Director and Lecturer of Political History Department of Yunyang Normal University.
1993.08—— 1997.07 Director and Associate Professor of Political History Department of Yunyang Teachers College (period: 1996.09 —— 1997.07 Visit to China Renmin University).
1997.07 ——1997.12 Professor, Department of Political History, Yunyang Teachers College.
1997.12 ——1999.07 Director and Professor of Scientific Research Department of Yunyang Normal University.
1999.07——2005.02 Vice President and Professor of Yunyang Normal University
2005.02—2009. 10 Dean, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor of Yunyang Teachers College
2010.01-was elected as the vice-chairman at the 6th meeting of the 3rd CPPCC Shiyan City.
20 14.05 Member, Standing Committee Member and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hubei Automobile Institute.