Origin: (China, Belarus, Canada)
Birthday: June 65438, 2007
Height: 168CM
Weight: 45KG
Measurement; 85 53 85
Shoulder width: 42
Eyes: black
Hair color: black
I find the most fascinating thing: my eyes.
Blood type: type B.
Occupation: singer
Style features: Leng Yan has a unique face with long straight hair over the waist.
Personality: self-confidence, independence, conciseness, humor, freedom, charm, love and unlikable.
Interests: fitness (instrumental yoga pilates)
Specialty: music, art, painting, fashion design, makeup modeling.
Favorite colors: white, black and cool.
Favorite drink: yogurt water
Clothing style: Match different styles of clothing according to the occasion.
Ding Xiang: Dior (white poison)