How is propolis extracted?
Propolis is a kind of natural gum stick with aromatic smell and viscosity, which is obtained from the secretions such as resin and volatile oil on the twigs and trunks of coniferous or broad-leaved forests collected by bees. After bee chewed repeatedly, propolis was mixed with secretions of the mandibular gland, tongue gland and other glands, beeswax and pollen in a certain proportion of 1. The resin collected by bees is a metabolic secondary organism of plant tissues and cells, and most of them are mixed with volatile oil and other substances. It is the product of plant self-protection mechanism, which enables plants to protect newborn larvae and damaged parts from microorganisms and insects. This self-protection mechanism of plants is produced and perfected in the process of natural evolution. The product of this protection mechanism formed in nature has amazing similarity and gradually developed into common among bees and even humans. The common gum tree plants in China mainly include willow, pine, birch, elm, locust, peach, plum, apricot, chestnut and pear. However, resin cannot replace propolis. Resin is only the raw material for bees to process propolis. The great difference between propolis and resin is that propolis is transformed from bees, which has more active factors and wider and more obvious biological and physiological functions. So propolis and resin cannot be mentioned in the same breath.