As for part-time experience, if you have any part-time experience related to the position you are interviewing for, you can put these experiences in your resume. After all, many interviewers pay more attention to your practical work experience when looking for a job. It's good. For example, the words "relevant work experience is preferred" are the most common advertisements in many shops on the street. Even if you have a lot of experience in winning awards in universities or enterprises, if you have no experience, you are very fall in price in the eyes of the interviewer. They usually look to see if you have any previous experience in this job. Although it is a part-time job, it is not your main business, but it is also a kind of job, which also proves that you have done such a job. So your part-time experience can be written on your resume, or you can write some understanding of your part-time experience. Then let others see what you have learned from the part-time job and how it helps the job you are applying for now, so that others will grade you.
For many employees now, or many college students, it is generally more difficult to bear hardships. Therefore, during the interview, there will be companies or interviewers who want to check the intensity of the applicant's efforts. If you have a part-time job experience, or if you have a main job, you can still work part-time. Writing this experience on your resume will make the other person appreciate it and feel that you are energetic and hardworking, so this is also a plus item.