In the first year of Chuping, Sun Jian, the Changsha magistrate, killed Wang Rui, the secretariat of Jingzhou, and the imperial edict took the form of Kuaizhou secretariat. At that time, thieves prevailed in the south of the Yangtze River, and Yuan Shu blocked the troops from entering Luyang, which was beyond recognition. But a person went into Yicheng and invited Jing Yue of Nanjun and Cai Mao of Xiangyang to paint together. So Zhao sent people to seduce thieves and handsome men, and even cut 15, all of them attacked. However, Chen led Jiang Xia's thieves to camp in Xiangyang, trying to compete with Yue and Pang Ji, but they all failed. Xiping in Jiangnan. When the commander of the guard heard of their prestige, they worked harder to seal the ribbon. Then watch the troops in Xiangyang and observe the changes. Biography of Liu Biao in the later Han Dynasty
It is probably wrong to say that Liu Biao wants to be emperor. According to historical records, he managed Jingzhou in an orderly way and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. When the governors crusaded against Dong Zhuo, thieves in the south of the Yangtze River flourished, Yuan Shu was eyeing up, and the situation in Jingzhou was in chaos. Of course, Liu Biao has no right to be a diligent king.
Why threaten punishment with great self-esteem? You killed 10 people in the state, and everyone complained. In the second year of Chuping, Qian Wei opposed and attacked the Taishou, Ren Qi and Jia Long. If you break it, kill it. Since then, my spirit has gradually flourished, so I took a ride, which weighed more than 1000 times. The Biography of Ada in the Later Han Dynasty
In order to take refuge, Ada fled to Yizhou where thieves and horses were rampant. Liu Yan destroyed the bandits first, then laid Hanzhong with Zhang Lu, killed the viceroy and cut off traffic. It can be seen that there is no connection with the imperial court, and it may be necessary to stand on its own feet. Later, he wanted to establish punishment in Yizhou, kill Yizhou strongmen and arouse public anger. Dong Zhuo fought a civil war and was arrogant. How can he send troops to help?
Liu Wei:
In the second year, Han Fu, Yuan Shao and Shandong General, the prefects of Bohai Sea, made a secretariat for Jizhou, arguing that the imperial court acted too hastily and forced Dong Zhuo to go to Guansai. I don't know if it can be saved, but the elders of the imperial clan want to build it. Therefore, Zhang Qi and others were sent to Shangyu to discuss and pay tribute. When he met Qi and others, he said angrily, "There is a great chaos today, and the Lord is covered with dust. I was heavily in debt and failed to clear my national humiliation. According to the state and county, you should work together for the royal family, not make a conspiracy and make mistakes! " Resolutely refuse. Fu and others were invited to lead the affairs of ministers and promised to worship them, but they refused to listen. Liu Yu Chuan in the Later Han Dynasty
After Liu Yu became a shepherd in Youzhou, he punished the internal thief and arrived in Xiongnu outside to rectify Youzhou. During the crusade against Dong Zhuo, Han Fu, Jizhou secretariat, Bohai satrap Yuan Shao and Shandong generals consulted. Because the emperor was young and controlled by Dong Zhuo, Liu Yu, a relative of the Han nationality, wanted to be the new emperor, but Liu Yu resolutely refused. Liu Yu is a loyal minister and has no selfishness.
Especially in history, there were fourteen governors who crusaded against Dong Zhuo, but there were no Kong Rong, Marten, Tao Qian and Gongsun Zan.
I hope it helps you.