After 27 years as a doctor, he put forward a unique "four-dimensional joint displacement theory" through unremitting efforts. On the basis of this theory, according to the commonness and individuality of diseases in orthopedics and traumatology of traditional Chinese medicine, I adopted comprehensive therapies such as acupoint selection, oral and external use of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, small needle knife and sacral canal injection to make diagnosis and treatment, and achieved good results.
The four-dimensional bone-regulating method of independent innovation is a dialectical therapy based on the theory of combining whole regulation with meridian induction. Good results have been achieved in the treatment of cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, shoulder and back pain, lumbar disc herniation, triple transverse lumbar process syndrome, thoracic (lumbar) facet joint disorder, acute lumbar sprain, chronic lumbar muscle strain, lumbar spinal stenosis, heel pain, knee joint diseases, post-fracture dysfunction and so on.
Many chronic diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and common diseases are caused by the change of aseptic inflammation of soft tissues, which leads to tendon groove, bone dislocation, muscle tension and spinal dynamic imbalance. It causes soft tissue pain and limited function, accompanied by symptoms of various medical diseases such as headache, dizziness, orbital swelling pain, chest pain, palpitation, abdominal swelling pain, dysmenorrhea and so on. The best way to treat these diseases is: dialectical therapy combining whole regulation with meridian induction, that is, four-dimensional bone-regulating method.