Chen Tingxiang, doctoral supervisor, major history of modern China.
Guo Qi, doctoral supervisor, historical philology, poetry research.
Guo Shengbo, doctoral supervisor, China ancient history, historical geography.
He ping, doctoral supervisor, modern world history, historical theory, comparison between Chinese and western cultures, modernization, international relations.
He Yimin, doctoral supervisor, urban history research.
Huo Wei, Doctoral Supervisor, Archaeology of Han and Tang Dynasties, Archaeology of Southwest China (including Tibet), Museology, Cultural Anthropology.
Li, doctoral supervisor, historical philology.
Liu Fusheng, Doctoral Supervisor, History of Song Dynasty, History of Southwest Nationalities.
Luo Zhitian, doctoral supervisor, cultural history of China.
Peng Yushang, doctoral supervisor, ancient philology.
Shi Shuo, doctoral supervisor, studies on the history of Chinese ethnic minorities.
Shu Dagang, doctoral supervisor, Confucian literature research.
Wang Tingzhi, doctoral supervisor, European urban history, Renaissance research, tourism resources and tourism human resources development.
Yang, doctoral supervisor, historical documents of Song Dynasty, Confucianism, Bashu culture.
Yang Tianhong, doctoral supervisor, modern history of China, special history.
Yang Zhenzhi, doctoral supervisor, tourism planning, planning, scenic spot management and destination marketing.
Wang Dongjie, doctoral supervisor, modern history of China, special history.
Zhang Jian, doctoral supervisor, medieval history of the world, medieval history of China.
Fang Shuxin, China ancient philology, pre-Qin history.
He Zheng, China ancient philology, China ancient history.
Huang, pre-Qin history, ancient philology, China culture.
Huang Wei, Han and Tang Archaeology, Southwest Archaeology, Ancient Coinology, Protection and Management of Cultural Heritage.
China's modern regional socio-economic history and urban history.
Wu Mingneng, ancient history, China culture.
Li guoling, historical philology.
Li Tao, Tibetan Cultural Studies.
Yuan Lee, hotel management, tourism planning, tourism culture.
A Study of Modern History of Liu Shilong and China.
Lv Yifei, planning and development of historical tourism resources in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.
Peng Bangben, pre-Qin history research, Bashu culture research.
Shi Ying Ping, tourism planning, hotel management, folklore, Chinese and foreign cultures.
Sun Jinquan, history of cultural exchange between East and West, Renaissance studies, tourism culture, tourism human resources development.
Wang Dongjie, Cultural History of China.
Xu Bo,14-18th century European history, a history of western historiography.
Yuan Zujie, American social and cultural history, American diplomatic history, comparison of Chinese and western modernization processes