The meaning of employment refers to migrant workers who are engaged in labor at legal age and get paid.
The definition of employment: first, the employment conditions, that is, within the legal working age; The second is the salary condition, that is, to get a certain salary; The third is the time condition, that is, the length of working hours per week.
In 20021year, the central government allocated 55.9 billion yuan of employment subsidy funds, an increase of 2 billion yuan, to support local governments in implementing various employment and entrepreneurship support policies.
brief introduction
Global: cities in transition and newly industrialized countries are the highest, cities in developed countries are slightly weaker, and backward areas are lower.
China: Generally speaking, the employment rate is high, and some are relatively backward. Quanzhou, Shenzhen, Huizhou, Weihai, Beijing, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Wenzhou, Weifang and Guangzhou rank fifth, ninth, 10,1,14, 17 and 20 in the world.