Narrative, Style and Latent Text —— Rereading British and American classic short stories, the only author, reprinted by Peking University Publishing House in 2009, 20 1 1. Research on Narrative Theory of British and American Novels, Shen Dan, Han Jiaming, Wang Liya, fourth printing by Peking University Publishing House in 2005, 20 13. A Study of Narratology and Novel Stylistics, the sole author, Peking University Publishing House, 1998, 3rd edition, 3rd printing, 2007. Literary Stylistics and Novel Translation, the only author, Peking University Publishing House, 1995, the fifth printing in 2007. Western Narratology: Classics and Post-Classics, written by Shen Dan and Wang Liya, printed for the third time by Peking University Publishing House on 20 10 and 20 13, is an excellent textbook for Beijing higher education. 2. The translation of Reading Narrative (by J. hillis Miller), the only translator, Peking University Publishing House, printed for the third time in 2002 and 2004. A Guide to Contemporary Narrative Theory (edited by James Phelan and Peter J Rabinovitz), translated by six translators including Shen Dan (696,000 words), Peking University Publishing House, 2007. 3. New Development of Western Stylistics, edited by 30,000-word guide, reprinted by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in 2008, 20 1 1. Essays on European and American Literature: A Theoretical Study of European and American Literature, edited by Qin, People's Literature Publishing House, 2003. Translation Series of New Narratology (seven translations), edited by Peking University Publishing House, 2002-20 1 1. About 170 papers (including reading guides and book reviews) have been published in academic journals, reference books and papers at home and abroad, of which more than 30 papers have been included in the international authoritative index A&HCI search, and more than 70 papers published in China have been published in CSSCI source journals. Papers published in important foreign journals include: American Narrative (the top journal of narrative research) 5 European and American Poetics Today (the top journal of poetic theory research) 3 (in which 1 is the co-author, Author 1) 19th-century American literature (1 top periodical of 9th-century literature) 1 European journal of literary semantics (top periodical of literary semantics) 3 American style (top periodical of stylistics) 6 (including 65438+) 0 Co-authored with students, second author) 4 English language and literature (top periodical of style research). Narrative Skills 1 American Journal of Narrative Theory 1 Babel: International Federation of Translators International Federation Journal of Translators 7 European Poetry 1 American Comparative Literature Research 1 British Comparative Criticism Research 1 (co-authored by two authors, author 1) has published more than 50 papers in important foreign journals, authoritative reference books and collections. The following are most of them: Shen Dan's Hidden Author, Authoritative Audience, Context: Form and History in Neo-Aristotelian Rhetoric Theory, Volume 2 1, No.2 (2013):140-158. Shen Dan, "Plot Development The Secret Behind Progress: Katherine Manthfield's The Fly." Poetics Today, Volume 34, No.65438+0-2 (2013):147-175. Shen Dan, Language and Literature of "China Stylistics in the New Century" Volume 2 1,No. 1 (20th anniversary issue): 93- 105. Shen Dan, "The uniqueness of language and the challenge to universal narrative poetics." Analyzing world novels: a new vision of narrative theory. Austin: University of Texas Press, 20 1 1, 17-32. Shen Dan, "A Study of Neo-Aristotelian Rhetoric Narrative: The Need to Integrate Style, Context and Intertextuality." Style Vol.45 No.4 (20 1 1): 576-597. Shen Dan, "What is the implied author?" Style Volume 45,No. 1 (20 1 1): 80-98. Shen Dan, A Handbook of Unreliable Narratology Life. Al. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 20 10. Shen Dan, "Implied author, overall consideration, and the subtext of' Desire's baby'." Poetics today. 3 1, No.2 (20 10): 285-3 12. Shen Dan, "Stylistics of Narrative Novels" and "Language and Style", edited by Dan McIntyre and beatrix Booth. Hampshire and new york: palgrave Mike milian, 20 10, 225-249. Shen Dan, "The whole extended close reading" and the subtext of short stories. " English Studies: Journal of English Language and Literature, Volume 965438, No.2 (2010):150-169. Shen Dan, "Non-irony turns to contextual irony: irony determined by multiple contexts in The Story of an Hour." JLS: Journal of Literary Semantics, Volume 38, No.2, 2009: 1 15- 130. Shen Dan, "edgar allan poe's aesthetic theory, insane debate, and the dynamics of the ethics-oriented leaked heart." "The 19th century literature Vo. No.63 and No.3 (2008): 32 1-345. Shen Dan, Review: Text World Theory: An Introduction. Journal of Literary Semantics, Volume 37,No. 1 (2008): 9 1-95. Shen Dan and Xu Dejin, "Intertextuality, Intertextuality and Intertextuality: Unreliable in Autobiography and Fiction". Today's Poetics Vo.28, No.65438 +0 (2007): 43-87. Shen Dan, "Internal Contrast and Double Decoding: Transitivity in Hughes' On the Road." JLS: Journal of Literary Semantics, Volume 36,No. 1 (2007): 53-70. Shen Dan, "Booth's novel rhetoric and China's critical context. "Narrative Volume 15, No.2 (2007): 167- 186. Shen Dan, "Subversion of Surface and Double Irony: Mansfield's" Enlightenment "and Other Subtext. English Studies: Journal of English Language and Literature, Vol.87, No.2 (2006): 19 1-209. Shen Dan and Zhou Xiaoyi, Western Literary Theory in China: Acceptance, Influence and Resistance. Comparative Criticism Research, Volume 3,No. 1-2 (2006): 139- 155 ... Shen Dan, "How do stylisticists use narratology: methods, advantages and disadvantages? Stylistics, Volume 39, No.4 (2005): 38 1-395. Shen Dan, "The Difference between Story and Discourse. Encyclopedia of routledge's Narrative Theory. Edited by David Herman et al. Al. London & new york Embankment Street, 2005, pp. 566-567. Shen Dan, "Why do contextual narratology and formal narratology need each other? "JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory, Vol.35, No.2 (2005):141-1. Shen Dan, "What can narratology and stylistics do for each other? A guide to narrative theory, edited by James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005,136–149. Shen Dan, "Broaden the horizon: On J. Hillis Miller's Amphibians. A Challenge to Reading, edited by Barbara Cohen and Dragan Kujondzic. New york: Fordham University Press, 2005, 14-29. Transitivity and psychological transformation: The Double Hook by Sheila Watson. Language and Literature Vol. 13, No.4 (2004): 335-348. Shen Dan, "What effect does the antinomy of time have on the difference between story and discourse? Reply to Brian Richardson's response. "Narrative Vol. 1 1, No.2 (2003): 237-24 1. Shen Dan, "Differences behind Similarity: Focus of the Center of Third-person Consciousness and First-person Retrospective Narration. The Narrative Behavior edited by Carol Jacobs and Henry sussman. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003,81-92. Shen Dan, "The Future of Literary Theory: Exclusion, Complementarity and Pluralism. Ai Lier: International English Literature Review, Vol.33, No.3-4 (2002): 159- 182. Feng Zongxin and He, "Drama under the Stage: Author-reader Relationship in Drama". "Language and Literature Volume 10, Issue 1 (200 1): 79-93. Shen Dan, "Travel Theory: A Twisted Motion. In Searching for the New Alphabet, edited by harald Hendricks and others. Al. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamin,1996,213-218. Shen Dan, "Defense and Challenge: Reflections on the Relationship between Story and Discourse". "Narrative, Vol. 10, No.3 (2002): pp. 222-243. Shen Dan, "Narration, Reality and Narrator as Construction: Reflection on Genette's Narration". "Narrative Volume 9, No.2 (2001):123-129. Shen Dan, "Breaking the Conventional Barriers: Breakthrough of Focus Mode. New Perspectives of Narrative Perspective, edited by Willie Van Peele and Symour Chatman. SUNY press, 200 1, 159- 172. Shen Dan, Review: Semiotics and Translation. "Babel: International Journal of Translation, Volume 42,No. 1 (1996): 53-57. Shen Dan, "Syntactic and Literary Significance in the Translation of Realistic Novels. "Babel: Journal of International Translation, Volume 38, No.3 (1992):149-167. Shen Dan, "On the Transformation of Discourse Patterns from China's Narrative Novels to English. Comparative Literature Research, Vol.28, No.4 (1991): 395-415. Shen Dan, "Distorted Media: Discourse in Realistic Novels". Journal of Narrative Skills No.21Volume 3 (1991): 231-249. Shen Dan, "unreliability and characterization. Stylistics, Volume 23, No.2 (1989): 300-311. Shen Dan, "Literalism: Non-formal Equivalence". "Babel: Journal of International Translation, Volume 35, No.4 (1989): 2 19-235. Shen Dan, "Stylistics, Objectivity and Convention. Poetics Vol. 17, No.3 (1988): 22 1-238. Shen Dan, "On the aesthetic function of intentional illogicality in English-Chinese novel translation. Stylistics, Volume 22, No.4 (1988): 628-645. Shen Dan, "Objectivity in the Translation of Narrative Novels. "Babel: Journal of International Translation, Volume 34, No.3 (1988):131-140. Shen Dan, "Loyalty and Pragmatism. "Babel: Journal of International Translation No.31Volume, No.3 (1985):134-137. Papers published in China CSSCI source journals include:
Foreign Literature Review 14 Foreign Language Teaching and Research 13 (two of them are co-authors, Author 2) Foreign Literature 10, Foreign Literature 7, Foreign Literature Research 4, Contemporary Foreign Literature 1, Foreign Language 2, China Translation 2, China Foreign Language 2, Journal of Peking University (Philosophy Edition) 5, Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 9 (Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching) Second Author) Jianghan Forum 1 Paper, Jiangxi Social Sciences has published 4 papers in other core journals: 5 papers in foreign languages (Journal of Sichuan International Studies University) (including 2 co-authors and the second author) have given keynote speeches at international academic conferences for many times, of which 3 papers (all the only non-western keynote speeches):
The third annual meeting of the European Narratology Association (ENN) 20 13, with the theme of "Contextualized poetics and contextualized rhetoric: consolidation or subversion?"
20 1 1 PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association) Annual Conference, with the theme of "How to Uncover Narrative Subtext in Stylistic Analysis".
In 2009, the International Symposium on Linguistics and Literary Studies was held in the University of Freiburg, Germany. The keynote speech is entitled "How to make linguistics more conducive to objective interpretation".