Science and engineering class
Enrolment scores of students in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
Highest score, lowest score, average score, highest score, lowest score, average score, highest score, lowest score, average score.
Engineering mechanics 557 521532 582 564 570 601527 541594 576 581
Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation 575 517 530 598 566 576 581531544 626 579 590.
Industrial design 560 520 534 590 572 577 582 548 562 600 579 589
Thermal energy and power engineering 546 516 523 595 564 572 568 527 533 603 575 583
Measurement and control technology and instruments 561519 530 618 569 576 563 530 544 613 582 590.
Information engineering (photoelectric information engineering) 575 542 555 616 574 586 581541558 623 588 598
Electronic science and technology (photoelectric technology) 573 538 551615581594 582 557 565 619 600 607.
Science of photoelectric technology 601565 574 618 596 604 622 581598 637 610 620
Biomedical engineering 563 545 552 622 580 588 587 532 551608 585 594
Automation 572 535 548 604 569 583 596 540 554 630 583 594
Electrical engineering and its automation 587 529 541605 571582 616 538 561631595 604.
Computer Science and Technology 579 542 556 601572 586 586 530 550 626 585 594
Electronic science and technology (solid state electronics and microelectronics) 569 541549 602 564 578 601535 554 637 578 590
Electronic information engineering 585 555 563 610 577 591595 561572 626 598 607.
Communication engineering 589 553 565 621593 604 612 563 577 648 603 613.
Civil engineering 560 533 545 624 588 597 601562 574 637 606 616
Water resources and hydropower engineering 552518531586 564 573 601530 545 623 586 597
Port Waterway and Coastal Engineering 548 520 531587 564 573 584 544 557 607 582 595
Ship and Ocean Engineering 551517 528 593 564 574 571527 540 595 575 580
Building 618 570 594 647 620 626 624 590 605 637 618 624
Urban planning 588 563 569 617 606 612 602 573 583 617 615.
Chemical engineering and technology 565 516 539 627 565 575 583 533 547 619 577 590