The following is a summary by an American friend. Many of them are not commonly used, but they are complete! Many of them are authentic American spoken English, which we don't usually say, but foreigners in China do. In addition, I recommend a tool for you, called skype, which is a chat tool, just like QQ, but its popularity is much higher than QQ. Every country in the world has skype friends. Recently, I had a good chat with some American friends, one is a student at MIT, the other is a professor at an unknown university in California, and some friends in Hawaii. I met two American high school students and an Iraqi these two days. The four of us always talk by voice together, and everyone is calm. Americans and Iraqis can forget some things and just talk about the interesting things in life. If you are interested in this tool, you can download it from TOM's website!
Abbreviation meaning
& lt Three Hearts
I don't know.
Any day now
As far as I know, Afaque
AFK away from the keyboard
Is an acronym-rich environment.
The sooner the better.
A/S/L? Age/gender/location?
See you now
BAK went back to the keyboard.
BAS showed a big smile.
Bill will be back soon.
BBL will be back later.
Bye, BBN
The forum will be back soon
Begging for a grin.
BFD big deal
See you now, BFN
BG grinned.
Bibo beer in, beer out.
BIOYIOP blows it out of your input and output port.
BL burst into laughter.
Laughing broke my stomach.
BOTEC envelope back calculation
BRB will be right back.
BTA, but then again, ...
BTDT has been there and done that.
By the way
BWL couldn't stop laughing.
BWTHDIK: But what do I know ...?
CICO coffee in, coffee out.
C& giggled.
CNP continues in the next article.
CRB will be right back
CRBT cried her eyes out.
see you again
See you later
CUL8ER See you later.
Bye, CYA
CYA, cover your ass
See you online, CYO
The way DBA conducts business
DFLA has removed the four-letter acronym (TLA).
Downlink dead link
DLTBBB, don't let bedbugs bite you.
DIKU, do I know you?
DITYID, did I tell you I was upset?
Dom's dirty old man
DOS will doze off soon.
Don't quote me
DTRT did the right thing.
DWB doesn't reply
An evil smile
Excuse me for interrupting.
EMSG email
EOM message end
End of thread (meaning: end of discussion)
ETLA extends the three-letter abbreviation (FLA)
F2F face to face
FAQ frequently asked questions
cross fingers
The fish came in first and is still here.
FLA four-letter abbreviation
FMTYEWTK knows more than you want to know.
FOMCL laughed and fell off the chair.
FTBOMH from the bottom of my heart
Damaged beyond repair or recognition
FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt
It is worth mentioning that
for reference only
GA, go ahead.
Girls have their own lives.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Guangdong Development Bank. Grind, dodge, and run.
GFN has left for the time being
GGP has to pee.
GIWIST: God, I wish I had said that.
Good luck
GMAB, give me a break
GMTA, great minds think alike.
GOL giggled out loud.
GTRM intends to read the mail.
GTSY, nice to meet you.
H & Hugs and Kisses
HAGN, good night
Have a nice day.
HHIS hung his head in shame.
How's HIG recently?
Hi, how are you?
I hope this helps.
The hub head is butted upwards.
anyway/no matter what/ in any case
Anyway, IAE
IANAL, I'm not a lawyer (but)
I see
I want to pee.
IHA: I hate abbreviations.
IHU, I heard you.
IIRC, if I remember correctly.
ILU or ILY, I love you.
instant message
I think IMCO
In my humble opinion
Usually when doing other things, such as playing trivial things or other interactive games, chatting with people online.
In my humble opinion
In my opinion
I'm so sorry
In other words, low
IPN, I'm sending nude photos.
IRL in real life (that is, when not chatting)
I think I'm going to get sick.
IWALU, I will always love you.
I can swim if you know what I mean.
J4G is just for laughing.
JBOD is just a bunch of disks (like redundant array of independent disks, etc. )
JIC, just in case
JK, just kidding
JMO is just my opinion.
JTLYK just wants you to know
Kiss remains simple and stupid.
keep in touch
KOTC kisses the cheek
KOTL kissed her lips.
KWIM? Know what I mean?
After L8R
L8R G8R Later Crocodiles
See you later, man.
LDR long-distance relationship
LHO laughed his head off.
LLTA, lots and lots of thunderous applause.
LMAO laughs me to death.
LMSO laughed his head off.
Laugh out loud
LRF small rubber feet (small pads at the bottom of monitors and other equipment)
LSHMBH laughs so hard that my stomach hurts.
LTM chuckled to herself
LTNS, long time no see.
LTR long-term relationship
Lulab loves you like a brother.
Lula loves you like a sister.
I love you with all my heart.
I love you
LY4E loves you forever.
Male or female
MOSS same-sex member
A member of the opposite sex of MOTOS
MTF more follow-up
MUSM misses you very much.
NADT is not a damn thing.
NFG is not as good as F * * * * G.
NFW has no feasible method or F * * * * G method.
Neverk is naked in front of the computer.
NP is fine
NRN doesn't need to respond.
Oh, I see.
OLL online dating
Oh, my god.
OTF went downstairs.
On the other hand, Otto
I suddenly remembered OTTOMH.
Pot is a great new thing (as opposed to "pot")
Paw parents are watching.
PCMCIA people can't master the abbreviations of the computer industry.
PDA publicly shows love.
There is a problem between the chair and the keyboard.
PIBKAC problem is between keyboard and chair.
Pita nuisance
PM private message
Forgive me for interrupting, but ...
POAHF pretended to be happy.
* poof:: Goodbye (leaving the room)
Ordinary old telephone service
Pu that stinks!
QT cutie
RL real life (that is, when not chatting)
ROR Raffing out roud (English means "laughing out loud")
ROTFL laughed and rolled on the ground.
ROTFLMAO rolled on the ground with laughter.
ROTFLMAOWPIMP rolled on the floor and laughed my ass off.
ROTFLMBO laughed his head off.
RSN will arrive soon.
RT real-time
RTFM, read the damn manual.
RYO's own volume (write your own program; From cigarettes made of tobacco and paper rolls)
How's S recently?
S4L Spam Life (What may you get when you become someone's customer or client)
She spouted hot coffee from her nose.
SEG's * * *-grinned.
SETE was all smiles.
Sfssurfer-friendly (low graphics website)
SHID patted his head in disgust.
Chaos is normal, everything is messed up.
Such an important other half
Laugh out loud, or you'll be in trouble.
Is SOMY tired of me?
Time is too short.
Time is pressing, SOTMG must leave.
STFW Search F * * * * G Net
STW search web page
Sue shut up.
Shut up and kiss me.
what's up
SWAG's stupid wild guess
SWAK sealed with a kiss
SWL laughed hysterically.
See you later
Thanks again, TA
TAFN: That's all for now.
There is no such thing as a free lunch
TCOY, take care
TFH thread from hell (an immortal discussion, usually unrelated to the purpose of the forum or group)
Thank God, today is Friday.
THX thank you
TIA thanks in advance (if you post a question and expect a useful reply, please use it)
TILII, tell the truth
TLA three-letter abbreviation
TLK2UL8R I'll talk to you later.
TMI has too much information.
TNT till next time
TOPCA until we meet again (early Celtic chat term)
Toys miss you
The power of TPTB
Goodbye TTFN now.
TTT thinks so too (when someone types what you are about to type).
Talk to you later
thank you
Thank you, Ty
UAPITA, you are a pain in the ass
UW, you're welcome
VBG's big smile
VBSEG's very big s * * *- grinned.
make wild guesses
WAYD, what are you doing?
welcome back
WBS will reply soon.
WDALYIC, who died and put you in charge?
WEG grinned wickedly.
WFM works for me
WIBNI, if you can
WT? What/who?
What the hell! Over!
WTG, good job!
WTGP? Want to settle it?
Wu? What's the matter?
What you see is worthless in real life!
WUF? Where are you from?
YBS, you will regret it.
You must be lying to me
YMMV Your mileage may be different.
YW you're welcome