1. The academic burden of the university is not heavy. Generally, there are 2~3 classes every day (1 class contains 2 classes), and sometimes there are full classes. You can play or study at other times, which is up to you, but remember to finish your homework.
2. A school with a good dormitory will have air conditioning, as well as desks, lockers and beds for everyone. Because schools are different, some schools have bunk beds, and some have beds and tables. In addition, some schools do not have air conditioning. Moreover, there are no TVs and computers in university dormitories, and computers are all bought by themselves. Because computers will be used a lot in universities, everyone should buy one to use.
You don't have to live in school. If you are not used to living on campus, or there is a better place to go, you can not live on campus.
The exam is not that difficult. Generally speaking, as long as you attend classes well, you have a good chance to pass the exam. It is good to pass every exam, but more people pursue upward, because those who study well will get scholarships. In addition, if you study well, you will have more opportunities to contact teachers and discover opportunities.
The teacher is also very careful, but you should be serious? Listen, if you are a little absent-minded, you can skip to the next chapter. Isn't that what the teacher said? It wasn't detailed enough, but the pace was a little faster, but the teachers said everything.
6. There are quite a few extracurricular activities organized by the school. The reception is organized by the club, the party is organized by the club, and the singing contest is also organized by the club. Are all voluntary. Many school sports meetings are held once a semester.
7. You can leave school at will before, but you can't leave school at will because of the epidemic. When you leave school, you need to report to the teacher.
8. If you are caught skipping classes, you will get a demerit, so it is not recommended that you skip classes. Besides, if you skip class, it may take more time to make up for the class you missed, so it's best not to skip class.
9. Some schools have dormitory toilets, and some schools have no toilets in their dormitories. In other schools, dormitories are divided into two types: those with toilets and those without toilets.
Hope to adopt, thank you.