Their elective courses have become Australia's major accounting professional groups, the Australian Institute of Certified Accountants and the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants in New Zealand.
(ANZ) A necessary prerequisite for membership.
Curriculum unit setting
4 units for
ACCT2 1 102 intermediate financial accounting?
ACCT4 10 12 accounting for further study?
8 units for
ACCT3 10 12 Audit and Public Practice Audit &; Public practice?
ACCT3 1032 advanced financial accounting?
ACCT3 1042 senior management accounting?
ACCT3 1052 senior management accounting?
BISM2206 Accounting Information and Software Application
ECON 13 102 Introduction to Social Science Statistics?
LAWS3 1002 company law
LAWS3 10 12 income tax law?
RBUS49992 Commercial Industry Orientation
ACCT2 1 102 intermediate financial accounting course theme
Any measurement options allowed by specific confirmation measurement rules.
Specific accounting procedures and accounting concepts
Disclosure in financial statements and disclosure in notes to financial statements