Whether people in university dormitories are easy to get along with depends entirely on luck. If you are lucky, people in a dormitory are quite easy to get along with. If you are unlucky, it will be even worse for a few people who love to pick up things in the dormitory.
I used to see people complaining about their dormitory in Weibo. There is no distinction between good and bad. Sometimes I can understand that people in the dormitory just can't be angry with themselves.
Take my dormitory for example, there is that kind of special selfishness, and I don't care about others at all, just like sweeping the floor at ordinary times. She doesn't care unless she is on duty. I think the dormitory belongs to everyone and should be cleaned together, but she never cleans with us. Last time, she said that she would clean the bottom of the bed. As a result, people said, after two days of cleaning, it was dirty again. At that time, everyone in our dormitory was shocked. I had no idea that she would say that. We used to help her take out the garbage when she swept the floor, but we haven't helped her since.
So this is why girls' dormitories are more difficult to get along with than boys' dormitories. Boys usually say what they have to say, but girls don't, so they will keep it in mind.
Girls generally don't say anything, so don't trust a person too much. Don't say everything just because you are friends. Remember one sentence: roommates can only be roommates forever, not friends. Don't say anything just because she is your friend. If you treat her as a friend, people will not necessarily think of you, so don't trust anyone too much!