The nearest good school in Daqing is Harbin Institute of Technology, and this area should also be considered. It will be good to be close to you. It will be more convenient to find some school materials or take professional classes in their school. Harbin Institute of Technology is very strong in civil engineering, but it will definitely be more difficult to test. In addition, the school mentioned upstairs is particularly difficult to test. Of course, their civil engineering is one of the best in the country.
Let's talk about a lower level, such as Dalian University of Technology, whose major in civil engineering is ok, but it is much better than the above schools. The small score line is 5 points lower than Harbin Institute of Technology every year. If you are not confident in yourself, you can consider Dalian University of Technology.
The employment situation of civil engineering in recent years is still good. It is estimated that it will not get worse in recent years. Let's continue our major. Cross-professional examination and research is risky and will also have an impact on finding a job. Many units prefer to have students with the same major.