You can also log in to the hospital's official website account to see how to register. You must return it one day in advance. If the appointment is successful and you can't see the doctor on time, please be sure to cancel the appointment (it is recommended to cancel the appointment one day in advance or call to cancel the appointment registration. If you don't get the registration form from the hospital on time for the second time and cancel the reservation card number in advance, the system will automatically suspend the reservation qualification of the card number. If you need to reopen your business, you need to bring your membership card and valid documents. If you register online, you can click the "Cancel Number" button to cancel the number.
Telephone appointment registration:
At present, most urban hospitals in China support telephone appointment registration service. Users only need to dial the "12580" or "118114" service hotline to realize the telephone reservation and registration operation.
Mobile APP reservation registration:
Some hospitals also provide the operation of booking registration through mobile app. To this end, users need to download the mobile phone APP recommended by the corresponding hospital in official website to make an appointment for registration.