Every position needs people. Only such enterprises can operate normally, and factories are no exception. As long as you can get paid, someone will be willing to do it. Many people may think that it is not cost-effective for college students to go to factories after graduation; Actually, I want to say that there are some factories where college students can go if they want. Although it is also a factory, for those first-line brand factories, there are not only requirements for age and physical health, but also higher requirements for college students' academic qualifications.
Many times when we talk about factories, the first thing that comes to mind is assembly line operation, which is true for most factory work; However, if a factory wants to run, it is not enough to have an assembly line. Many other departments and positions need to cooperate and coordinate with each other, such as marketing, finance, human resources and so on. I think the factory is not necessarily an assembly line after college students graduate; They are also likely to work in the core departments of logistics or factories, which is not a waste of talents.
Therefore, it seems that it is not a waste of talents for college students to go to the factory after graduation; On the one hand, they may be engaged in management work, which is equivalent to what they have learned. On the other hand, it is not a bad thing for college students to exercise in factories, but it can help them understand and integrate into society faster.