Generally, university drama clubs should participate in performances, representing the special activities of the clubs, such as script original contest, drama style contest, drama culture festival, and small theaters with various themes. All these fully reflect the vitality, elegance and original charm of our drama.
Drama is a comprehensive art, and script creation, director, performance, beauty of dance, lighting and criticism are indispensable. China's traditional drama is not drama, and some western traditional dramas, such as ancient Greek dramas, are not strictly dramas because of their extensive use of chorus. Modern western stage plays are generally dramas if they are not labeled as musicals, operas, etc.
Enrich campus life, activate cultural atmosphere, and carry forward the spirit of drama. Provide a stage for students to show themselves and develop themselves, and create a platform to exercise their abilities in all aspects and communicate with each other. Let students taste life, experience life and enjoy happiness in the process of participation and learning!