First of all, see if the quality of the shoes and socks you buy is qualified. In today's commodity market, there are some merchants selling fake shoes or socks, both in offline stores and online stores. These fake shoes and socks have no quality at all, and most of them are made by imitating some famous brand products.
In terms of workmanship and fabrics, it is far less than regular products. Some people are greedy for cheap, or forced to sell by merchants, and bought some fake shoes and socks, which has a certain impact on their feet. Wearing these inferior shoes or socks can't effectively help people's feet sweat, and it's not convenient to discharge beriberi in summer, which easily leads to smelly feet and it's difficult to clean them. Therefore, when choosing, it is best to choose regular products.
Second, it is almost necessary for everyone to see if they wash their feet correctly. Washing their feet helps to keep our feet clean and protect our soles. But many people have a certain misunderstanding when washing their feet, that is, washing their feet with cold water. In fact, washing feet with cold water can't reach the level of hygiene and health. Cold water can't effectively wash away some unsanitary things on your feet, resulting in sticking under your feet. After a long time, my feet stink and I can't wash them clean.