Pinyin: shü shü ng yü xió ng bià n
Explanation: the truth of the matter is more convincing than a strong argument.
Facts speak plainer than words. The township head, who has always been grumpy, has to admit his mistake this time.
Usage: as object and clause; Speak with facts
Synonym: "A gentleman speaks slowly, but acts quickly."
Source: Lu Xun "; Inscription: "Now the mimicry uniform has already been broken, showing its true colors. It really means' facts speak louder than words'. "
Extended data
Synonym: "A gentleman speaks slowly, but acts quickly."
The original sentence-a gentleman wants to speak slowly but act quickly
Attention -Ne (nè): Speak slowly.
Interpretation-Diligent and agile, but cautious in speaking.
Source-The Analects of Confucius, Liren
Nè yú yán (mǐn yú xíng) is a Chinese word, which literally means a gentleman who speaks cautiously and acts quickly. What it really means is that people should be careful what they say and do, because disaster comes from their mouths. If they don't speak carefully, they will hurt themselves and others, causing trouble and even disaster.
Tsinghua University sundial said that "facts speak louder than words". The sundial, a classical timer located at the southern end of the lawn in front of the auditorium, was originally a relic of Yuanmingyuan and was given to his alma mater when he graduated from1920th. The inscription 1920 is engraved on the lower base in Chinese and its Latin translation. "Actions speak louder than words" has since become the school spirit of Tsinghua. This school spirit has enabled Tsinghua to cultivate a large number of outstanding talents who are down-to-earth and dedicated to serving the country.