Academicians from 35 European countries, mainly from European countries, represent the best scientific elites and academic authorities in the fields of humanities and natural sciences in Europe. At present, there are about 3,000 academicians, including 52 Nobel Prize winners, many of whom won the Nobel Prize only after being elected as academicians.
Candidates for the election of academicians of the European Academy of Sciences are first recommended by academicians from different countries to the Ministry of Science, then recommended by the Ministry of Science to the Nomination Committee for exchange and evaluation after preliminary examination, and finally approved by the Special Committee of the European Academy of Sciences.
At present, the Institute has nearly 100 foreign academicians, mainly from natural sciences and humanities and social sciences, including more than 400 foreign academicians.
Famous academicians of the European Academy of Sciences also gathered a large number of humanities and social sciences scholars, including German philosopher Juergen Habermas, sociologist ulrich beck, French sociologist Alain Turan, literary theorist Pascal Casanova, British sociologist anthony giddens, Swedish sinologist Ma Yueran, Belgian comparative literature scholar Theo Hand, Swiss literary theorist and historian Jean Starobinski, and Dutch literary theorist Hans Burton. Among foreign academicians, humanists include American philosopher and linguist Chomsky, Australian linguist Halliday, American comparative literature scholar David Damla and Martin Pushner.
Chinese and foreign academicians
There are Professor Liu Kang from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Academician of China Academy of Sciences, Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, former Minister of Health, Zhu Chen, Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), Academician of China Academy of Sciences, Researcher of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Professor Shuai Zhigang from Tsinghua University Department of Chemistry, Professor Sun Dawen from Dublin University, Professor Cao Jinde from Southeast University Department of Mathematics, Academician of China Academy of Sciences, Professor Zhiyuan from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Professor Wang Ning from the Yangtze River of the Ministry of Education, Director of the Sino-American Cultural Center of Nanjing University and Distinguished Professor from the Yangtze River of the Ministry of Education. Professor Mei Hong of Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor Tsinghua University, Professor Nie of Zhejiang University, Professor Shang of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Academician of China Academy of Sciences, Professor of Jilin University.