Generally, the tuition fees of key universities will be higher, while those of general institutions will be lower. By inquiring about the master of engineering management enrollment brochures of various institutions, I listed the tuition fees of master of engineering management in the following institutions:
1 total tuition fee of master of engineering management of Peking University138,000 yuan;
2. The total tuition fee for Master of Engineering Management in Tsinghua University is 6,543,800 yuan+0,380 yuan;
3 Beijing Jiaotong University Master of Engineering Management Tuition: 30,000 yuan/student/academic year;
4 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Master of Engineering Management tuition: 60,000 yuan/student;
5 Tianjin University of Science and Technology Master of Engineering Management (full-time) tuition fee: 13333 yuan/year;
6. tianjin polytechnic university Master of Engineering Management tuition:14,400 yuan/student * academic year;
7 Master's degree in engineering management of Hebei University of Economics and Business: 28,000 yuan;
8. Master of Engineering Management in Inner Mongolia University of Technology: 12000 yuan/academic year;
9. Dalian University of Technology Master of Engineering Management Total tuition: 80,000 yuan;
10 Master of Engineering Management in Shenyang University of Technology Total tuition: 40,800 yuan (3 years);
1. Who has the video of Tang Jiafeng's lecture on advanced mathematics 106? Need to share to Baidu Cloud urgently.
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