I think it is difficult to recite too many words, so our teacher recommended Wang Changxi's words, with only 800 words. Personally, I feel good. I have sent a copy to your email, I hope it will be useful to you!
Abandon; give up
Attract the attention of ...
Access route
Accommodation house
Accompany, accompany, etc.
Accords are consistent; Understand; understand
Account description; Account; explain
Accumulation accumulation
Accusations; accuse
Acknowledge; Acknowledge; Admit. Confirmation; pay back
Familiar with, familiar with
Learn, gain
Adapt; Modify adaptation
Adequate A is sufficient and competent.
Adjust vt correction
Access n allows access; Admission ticket; admit
Adopt vt adoption; Take; agree with
Advantage n advantage; profit
Wise and desirable
Advocate vt support; N advocate; lawyer
Love, love
Affordable; Affordable. provide
Aggressive A violated; enterprising
Ambition; Ambition; A person's wish.
Annual report, yearbook and yearbook of year A; annual plant
Foresee vt and attach importance to it; Express gratitude to; Fully aware of the appreciation of vi
Method v is close to n; Mode; way
Appropriately occupy vt; Leave ... for exclusive use.
Approve VT consent; Approve VI(of)
The emergence of VI came into being; (from) (by. . . ) reason; leave
Arouse, arouse
Man-made; deceiver
Aspect n aspect; Orientation (of a building); appear
Assertion; Assertion. Yes . Make a valuation; Evaluate, comment
Assign tasks; Name; distribute
Hypothesis; Hypothesis; undertake
Give an assurance to; ensure
Reach; reach
Try; attempt
Attraction; Attraction; Tempting food or people.
Attributable to; Attributable to. . Attributable to n attribute
Ready-made; Contactable
Reward; Grant; Award prizes, prizes, bonuses
Balance; Balance; Balance; Balance; Balance. Weighing; consider
Special offers; Agreement six negotiation
Fence; Obstacles; protective screen
Good performance.
Trust; Faith; believe
Benefits n benefits; Relief and insurance benefits vi is beneficial to vi's interests
Boom n skyrocketed; Rumble vi surging; Make a rumbling sound
Boost vi is improved; Push; Replace. . Advertising n improves; promote
Binding a is certain; Bound; Prepare to arrive. . . Let's go
Breakthrough, breakthrough progress, important new discoveries
Reproduction; Feeding; Feeding; Feeding; Nurturing; beer
Budget budget allocation budget planning
Bear the burden of n; To burden or annoy; Carry a heavy burden.
Cancel; Cancel. Offset; delete
Capacity n capacity; Talent; Status, position
Certified vt certificate; Issue a certificate or license to.
Challenge an arduous task; Doubt; Challenge ... . challenge
Environment; situation
Claim for compensation; That's right. . Make a claim, need a claim, claim, claim
Clarify, clarify
Clues; clue
Collapse; collapse
Collision; collide
Comment n comment; Gossip review
Commitment; Commitment; Faith, dedication; undertake an obligation
Comparable; comparable
Comparison; Compare. . Compared with vi
Forcing; force
Competitive; Competitive; competitive
Composevt contains; compose
Hide; hide
Acknowledge; Give in. Admit defeat; Allow vi to make concessions
Issues of concern to the Committee; Care; Relationship; Company vt involves; care for
About preparation
Give in, give in, give in, admit
Inferred conclusion; End vi end, end
Condensation v condensation; Concentration; simplify
Confess frankly
Self-confidence is convinced; confident
Restriction; Limit. Don't go out of the border
Confirm, confirm; Further confirmation and approval
Conflict n conflict; Battle six conflict
Confrontation; Face it bravely; resist
To confuse; Confuse. Confused; muddled
Conscious; Consciously; deliberate
Permit, permit
Consequence n result; Importance; great
Therefore, therefore
Save, protect and avoid waste
Conservative style, etc. A person who is sometimes conservative.
Quite large or large.
Consistent a persistence; consistent
Form a vt composition; Set up, appoint
Cause contraction, contraction, compression; Construction; Build, build
Consult vt; Consult vi to exchange views
Contact; Contact. . . get in touch with sb.
Contemporary, contemporary
Satisfactory vt is satisfactory
Competition; Fight for vt; That's right. . . question
Background; context
Continuous; Continuous; Repeat many times
Get infected, get into bad habits
Contradiction theory; Deny, refute
Contrast; contrast
Contribute vi donation; Contribute to; Contribution; Contribution. donate
Convenient n convenient; comfortable
Custom; Convention; official meeting
alter one's belief
Convey expressions
Be sure
Coordinate vt adjustment n coordinate a is equal.
Council Committee Council
Lawyer n, legal adviser; Suggestions; advice
Course n course; Process; Course of action; Route; way
Credit n credit; Praise, credit; Credits; Trust; Vt trust; Put it. . belong to
Decisive; critical
Crushing; Crease restrain
Hint, signal; Prompt; point out
Farming and feeding; Cultivation; develop
Curious; Curious; Strange things, curiosity
expiration date
Debate; debate
Corruption; A state of decay
Decent and decent; Generous; goodish
Announce; Announce; Declaration; Report to the superior
Decline n decreases, and decline vi decreases; Decline; decline
Defeat defeat; Defeat; Failure; beat
Defects; defect
Define vt. Here you are. . Definition and explanation; limit
Clear a clear; some
Delete; delete
Thoughtful; Careful.
Delicate and fragile; Difficult; Delicate; exquisite
Deliver vt delivery; Release; Deliver a baby to (a parturient); Give; release
Argument; Explain that vi held a demonstration.
Deny; Deny; Deny. Refuse to give
Leave the vi leaf; leave
Depend on; It depends. . . about
Deposit; Deposit; Deposit; Sediment and mineral deposit vt cause precipitation; Storage; rescue
Repression; Repression; Weakening; press
Depression n depression; Decline; low-lying land
Derive vt acquisition; Go back. . . The origin of comes from vi.
Drop vi, come down; From an attack that belittles oneself.
Deserved; due
Desirable; sensible
Despair; Despair; Desperate people, desperate food
Desperate desire; Desperate
Destroy, destroy
Design vt invention plan
Devote oneself to. . . consecrate
Discard; abandon
Dismissal; Exclusion; Unloading vi unloading n allowed to leave; avoid
Discipline n discipline; Training; Punishment; Theme vt training; punish
Discount price discount processing. . make a discount
Cover up disgust
Arrange vt devices; Tend to remove VI; deal with
Argument; Argument. That's right. . . Objection 6
Distint is clear and definite.
Divert attention
Pain, poverty, danger, make people miserable
Disturb; Disturb; Disturb; harass
A variety of A is different and diverse.
To document, record
Domestic a nationals; Domesticated
Dominant; directive
Dominate; Dominate; Dominate Overlooking vi is dominant
Donate money and materials; donate
Download; download
The drain vt is discharged; Gradually exhaust vi, slowly exhaust the exhaustion of N; drainage ditch
Ease n easy is carefree
A kind of beauty of elegance; concise
Eliminate ventricular tachycardia rejection; eliminate
Hug; Hug; Including; hug
Send out; send out
Enable vt enable
Closed vt enclosure; Put it. . Put it in an envelope and attach it
Encounter; meet with
Endure; Endure. last
Enforce vt; force
Engage in occupation; Engage in; Engage in; be engaged in
Increase, strengthen
Enlarge v
Enlighten; arouse
Enrich, enrich; Get rich, get rich.
Register vi. Register. Join vt recruitment. absorb
On the left, here you are. . Rights; Give a title
Participants entering vt; Entrance; Hall; Estuary; register
An episode in an event; Fragments. An episode of a series.
Equivalent a equals n equals.
Ercet vertical vt structure; build
Essence a is essence; Essential n factor; Necessity
Estimation n estimation; Evaluate vt estimation
A permanent, eternal; Endless; Eternity Never change
Evaluation; evaluate
According to, according to
Evolution v makes evolution. Carry out development
Exaggerate; exaggerate
Exceed; Exceed. Yuechu
Excess nitrogen; Exceeding the limit. extra
Exclusive a luxury; Unique; Not included. . . an exclusive news report
Execution; Execution; implement
Chief executive; Execution department a executes. administrative
Use, push, use
Expectation; Expectation; future
Cost price; Expenditure. operating outlay
Pioneering; Development; Development; Development; Development; Development; Development; Development; Development; Development; Development; Advantages and achievements
Explore carefully and look for clues
Exposure; Expose. Exposure; expose
Expand and expand; Expansion; Provide vi extension
Degree; Degree; Breadth. Width and size
External. Appearance a
Facilities and equipment; convenience
Ability; Departments, disciplines and colleges; competence
Fade vi receded; Gradually disappear; Fading; fade
There is a vaguely; Weak; Dizziness; faint
Trust; Confidence; believe
The magic A is excellent and extremely strange.
Fatal; Destructive; Important and decisive
Fatigue; tired
Defective A has mistakes and shortcomings.
Favorable praise, favorable
Characteristic characteristics; Appearance; Special programs; The feature film vt is outstanding, by. . . Star; Play the leading role
Feedback, feedback information
Fierce; crazy
Finance n finance, finance; Financial resources; The capital vt is. . . fund
Flash vi flash flight; Shine n flash; flashlight
Escape, escape, escape
Flexible a flexible; flexible
Flourishing, prosperous
The focal point v makes the focal length n the focal center.
Fobid vt is not allowed.
Forgetful and careless people
A small part; mark
Frequency n times; be of frequent occurence
Frown; wrinkle
Depressed; Depressed; defeat
fundamental principle
I don't know about installing vt, because. . . Equipped with furniture; supply
Gap n gap interval; crack
Gaze; stare
Adapt, adapt
Produce vt, cause
Genuine A is really sincere.
Gestures, gestures
Glare vi glare; Emit strong light n strong light; Glare; Show off, shine
barely to catch a glimpse of a passing beauty
Grant, grant
Sadness, sadness; The cause of sadness
Generally speaking, it is a; Serious; Vulgar; After the bloated vt. . total income
Guarantee; guarantee
Guidance; guide
Guidelines know policies.
Guilty; guilty. culpable
Skillful, deft, deft, deft, deft
Shelter in port n; Bear a grudge (against sb)
Harden v makes hard and strong.
Harmony; harmonious
Harsh and impetuous
Danger vt. try to do (or put forward); Take a risk. . danger
Title n title
Hill vt healed; Mediation, eliminating vi healing
Hesitant v melancholy; unwillingness
Highlight vt emphasizes the most exciting part and the most important event of n.
Horizon; field of vision
A hostile adversary; Enemy's
Humble, a humble; Ranked lower; Humble; humble
An ideal; Fictitious; N ideal; An ideal thing or person.
Identify an identical one; consentient
Identification vt identification; Put it. . Equivalent to vi logo
Idle and lazy; Idle; Useless idleness
Neglect; neglect
Explain vt life; Here you are. . explain
Image n image; Impression; Image; Image description
Influence; Influence; ridicule
Implement vt invalidation and execute n tools.
Impose. . Impose on; force sth on sb
incidence rate
What happened in event n; event
Incline to incline.
Unbelievable. One can't believe it; Unbelievable, amazing
Index n index; Signs; Index; Indicators; show
Indifference, indifference; General; Average performance
Seduce, induce; Guide; lead to
Inevitable, inevitable
Inference; infer
Influential, powerful
Inherent a is inherent. Inherent a is born.
N letters starting with a
An innocent person; Harmless; mean no harm
Initiate initiatives; initiative
Input n input input; Input data vt. . Input computer
Insert; insert
Installvt installation; take office
Instinct; human nature
Insult, insult
To insure. Here you are. . Insurance; guarantee
Combine v into one
Integrity, honesty, sincerity, integrity, completeness and perfection
Intend; Want; Plan to make it
Intense, nervous, serious, enthusiastic
Intense intensity
Intention, purpose
Interference vi intervention, interference; rear
Internal internal; Inland a, inland
Internal a internal domestic; internal
Explain vi explanation
Interrupt; Interrupt; suspend
Interval n interval; rest
Intimacy, intimacy; Private vt implies that n is the best friend
investigation and research
It involves participation.
Isolation; isolation;quarantine
Problems; Issue, promulgate and publish; Distribution vi outflow problem
Prove. Prove. . just in time
Lag vi lags behind n lag interval.
Scenery; Landscape painting; Panoramic vt beautification scenery
Leakage v leakage and leakage n leakage; gaping holes
It may be easy to take responsibility. . about
An open-minded liberal
start to engage in
overall arrangement
Stay vi stay overnight vt. . Stay in a country house, give alms.
Magnificence is magnificent; Luxury; Excellent;
Maintenance vt maintenance; Maintenance; Persistence; Support burden
Maintenance; take care of one's health
Management department, management personnel
Manual guide
The margin page is blank; Poor, room; edge
Tiny and unimportant; Win by a narrow majority.
A big, heavy part of a big number.
Matuer mature; Notes payable due.
Maximum a is the highest, vertex n is the largest, vertex
Mechanical device; Mechanism; way
Media; news media
culture medium
Modesty is modesty; Moderately shy
Morality, virtue and behavior; Moral outlook, moral norms
A faint gesture color suggests a V gesture.
Incentive; Incentive. . Motivation. Motivation.
Myth n the myth of characters invented.
National advertisement
Ignore, ignore
Negotiation vt negotiation successfully passed vi negotiation.
Notification vt notification report
Conceptual intention
Forcing; Force Be grateful for kindness.
The timing of major events is caused by vt.
Occupy, occupy, make busy, make busy.
What happened; happen
An eccentric stranger; Temporary; Odd number remaining n possible opportunities
Offense; Offensive. . The feeling of disgust violated.
Open the N button and the hole will start; vacant position
Opponent opponent
Oppovt sends a pair.
Option n selection; Options; Chosen things or people, skipping classes.
Result result n
Outline; Outline; Overview of shape vt; Draw it. . appear
View, prospect
Output n output power vt output
be unresolved/unsettled
The whole; All the advertisements, in general, n work clothes, work clothes
Neglect, neglect and forgive.
Exceed; Catch up; Exceed. Sudden arrival
I can't stand it emotionally, so I don't know what to do.
That's all. Enough to keep you busy for a while. .