First of all, in the winter vacation or summer vacation after the final exam, you should take the corresponding books and materials home for review, sprint for review two or three weeks before the start of school, and memorize all the knowledge points. Prepare for the make-up exam after a full sprint. If you fail the make-up exam, you will register for the second exam next semester. The so-called re-education means having classes with my brothers and sisters and relearning the courses I have already learned. Of course, at ordinary times, the teacher will still give you a brand-new start. You just need to sign in for each class, listen carefully to what the teacher says in class, review carefully after class, and try to make up the exam once and for all. First of all, we should adjust our mentality, don't be nervous before and during the exam, do our best seriously and write down all the formulas we know. No, we can turn a blind eye. Of course, I wish you all good grades in the exam. Of course, there will be a make-up exam after retaking the exam. If you don't retake the exam, you will still fall into a cycle, that is, you will continue to retake the exam next semester and have classes with your brothers and sisters before the exam.
As long as you make up all the subjects before graduation, you can get the diploma and degree certificate, so don't cheat when you make up the exam. Once cheating is found, the degree certificate will be destroyed. Don't worry, you can't pass the exam, but you still have a chance, but once you are caught cheating, your future will be ruined and four years of college will be wasted. It is very necessary to adjust a state of mind. We are not afraid to retake the exam, but we are afraid of the serious consequences of being caught cheating and being punished. Generally speaking, you can make up the exam by sprinting before the exam, doing more information questions, and reading more important content from the teacher, so you don't have to worry that you can't make up, and anxious people don't have to worry. Take my own personal experience as an example. Freshman failed in math and physics last semester, but he made up the exam next semester, and both passed. Teachers, compared with me, giving preferential treatment to the students who make up the exam will make your score higher, so don't worry about failing the exam and failing the make-up exam.