To apply for family hardship allowance, you must be extremely poor at home to apply. That depends on the amount of savings. Normal living expenses for college students are definitely important, because going to college now is not cheap. However, if the savings are significantly higher than the subsidy range identified by family difficulties, or even reach the level of getting rich, in some special circumstances, the subsidy may be cancelled.
pay attention to
1. Students whose average monthly living expenses and per capita family income are below that of 300 yuan, who usually live frugally and have real financial difficulties in completing their studies.
2. The family is located in a remote and economically backward rural area, or the parents are laid off without a fixed income source, as well as disabled students, single parents and divorced parents (low-income families).
3. Minority students, as well as students whose families are really poor although they have not applied voluntarily, and have relevant certificates, can be classified as poor students.