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198 1 year, the Singapore government established Nanyang Institute of Technology on the campus of Nanyang University to train engineering professionals for Singapore's economy; 199 1 Nanyang Technological University was reorganized, and the National Institute of Education was merged into it and renamed Nanyang Technological University, keeping up with the rapid development of education. In April 2006, Nanyang Technological University was officially commercialized.
20/KLOC-April/May School official website shows that Nanyang Technological University has four schools of engineering, science, commerce and literature, and independent schools (including Rajaratnam International Research Institute, an international authoritative institution for national defense strategy research, National Institute of Education, the only professional teacher training institution in Singapore, Singapore Earth Observation and Research Institute focusing on natural disasters in earth science, and environmental bioengineering center focusing on biofilm).
Establish a team of class cadres with excellent style and exemplary leadership, as the core force to unite and educate all students, and rely on this force to fo