University of C? te d 'Azur (Université C? Te d'Azur) is a newly established higher education university institution cluster in the C? te d 'Azur region of France, which brings together the main higher education and research institutions in the C? te d 'Azur region.
The University of C? te d 'Azur aims to establish a new model of French universities in the 2 1 century, based on the new interaction between disciplines, the new cooperation model between research, teaching and innovation, and the stable cooperative relationship with enterprises and local governments.
The University of C? te d 'Azur consists of 13 excellent universities, scientific research and academic institutions, such as Sophia Antipolis University in Nice, French National Research Center, French National Institute of Information and Automation, Blue Observatory, Nice Central Hospital University, Scama Business School, French National Music Creation Center and National Academy of Fine Arts.
The C? te d 'Azur Observatory is an internationally recognized research center for earth science and astronomy, comparable to the precision mechanics, high-performance computing center and virtual observatory. Nice Central Hospital University (CHU), the country's leading research center for simulation and innovation of biological resources and therapies.
University of C? te d 'Azur Doctor College
UCA*** has six doctoral schools, among which eds TIC- Doctor School of Information and Communication Science and Technology, with the support of UCA and PSL (Paris University of Arts and Sciences), provides degrees and training for doctoral students in the fields of electronics, digital economy and financial technology.
It brings together three joint laboratories: Inria French National Research Center, Inria French National Institute of Information and Automation and Ecole Mines Paris National Institute of Advanced Mining.