Before the college entrance examination, did you choose to enroll in the university you want to study? Are you sure to take the national unified college entrance examination after entering this university?
Take the college entrance examination first, and after the test results come out, the first, second and third scores will come out at this time, and then choose several schools according to your classification, that is, fill in the volunteers. Universities are divided into four grades according to 123 undergraduate courses and majors. It depends on your grades, and then choose a university according to your grades. Tsinghua Peking University, for example, also belongs to a book, but because it is a key university, the score line is much higher than that of a book.
Each school has its own score line in its own grade, and your score line is assigned to it. However, if there are a large number of applicants, they will be admitted on the basis of merit, from high scores to low scores. Because the enrollment of each major in the school is limited, you may be squeezed out. Therefore, the requirement of "going to school" is still not enough. Need to be more than 5 points higher than the minimum score required by the school, and the chances of being admitted are even greater.