Don't be careless and don't trust others. When using a credit card, you should keep your password safe. Don't choose the most easily leaked information such as birthday, student ID number, ID number and telephone number as the password. Don't put valuables in crowded desks and canteens.
Beware of people who behave suspiciously. If you find someone looking around in the corridor, you should report to the duty officer in time, and be vigilant and ask strangers who break into the dormitory or sell goods at home for no reason. The best way is never to let such people in. Once, an aunt carrying a big bag came to our dormitory building and said that if she wanted someone to be her stationery agent, she had to pay a deposit of 1500 first. What she said was so exaggerated that some students were tempted. 15 minutes later, 1500 was quickly cheated away, but she never came here again, leaving only her big bag (containing stationery).
Don't lend your valuable card to others at will. Keep cash, bankbooks, drafts, etc. The best way to keep cash is to deposit it in the bank. Don't put a lot of cash in the dormitory and body. Don't lend valuable documents to others, especially strangers, to prevent bank cards and passbooks from being stolen and impersonated.
Pay attention to prevent pickpocketing when going out. On commuting and holidays, pickpockets often appear when people are most crowded and you least pay attention. These are some random habits that you need to change. Don't carry too expensive things with you, don't put your mobile phone, wallet and cash in your pocket at will, don't take out your wallet to reveal the cash inside, and don't rush your backpack outside.