Two points to pay attention to when looking for a part-time job: don't pay any fees until you earn money; Think about what value this part-time job brings to others. Without value, there is no legitimate income.
Here are some part-time software recommended.
Part-time cat is a mobile phone part-time APP developed by Guangzhou Kyubi no Youko Information Technology Co., Ltd. This software is mainly an honest part-time platform for college students and a vertical search service mobile phone application based on data mining.
Part-time job is also a part-time job for college students. It is a part-time trading platform that accurately matches young people's services and provides a service platform for freelancers. Business covers recruitment, part-time, crowdsourcing, promotion and other business life services. The advantage of this APP is security;
Part-time leisure fish, different from the above recruitment, the part-time job provided by this software is relatively mild, such as participating in etiquette models and answering a few questions; Participate in user surveys; Try new products for free, fill out questionnaires, etc.
Mi Dou part-time job is a part-time recruitment platform under the May 8th Fair Group, which provides accurate and quick one-stop service for merchants and users, and can improve the recruitment effect of merchants in all directions. Mainly for companies or businesses preferred part-time recruitment platform. Compared with other apps, Mi Dou has a mature market and strong backup, which is a very good choice;
Pocket part-time job is a mobile phone application of Guangzhou Jidu Network Technology Co., Ltd., which focuses on campus part-time job recruitment for college students and provides the safest, reliable and true free part-time job recruitment information for college students all over the country. Part-time jobs and social activities are integrated, and nearby part-time jobs, nearby talents, businesses and friends are automatically searched for instant communication. The range of activities is relatively close and convenient.