Marshall University's International Student Center provides various services for students. Including weekly student activities, American identity consultation, academic guidance, and other services and consultations related to international study. When students arrive at Huntington Airport in West Virginia, the school will send a car to pick them up for free.
School year: 1837
Country: USA
State name: West Virginia
City: Huntington
Number of students: 18000.
China Ministry of Education Certification: Certification?
A good place to study: teachers are abundant-83% of school teachers have doctoral degrees and have made achievements in related majors.
Perfect teaching facilities-medical center, computer room, indoor swimming pool, gym, high-tech library, ranking among the top in the United States. Marshall University is one of the two state universities in West Virginia, with an ancient history dating back to 1837. Through nine subordinates
In colleges and universities, Marshall University has more than 100 different kinds of bachelor's, master's and doctoral courses.
Convenient transportation-hotels, banks, cinemas, supermarkets and shopping malls can all be within walking distance.
More information about the school, including professional introduction, application conditions, fees, etc., can be found in /p/5084260 138 College Library.